The Adult Placement Agencies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007

Regulation 3(1)


1.  A statement of the overall aims and objectives of the adult placement agency.

2.  The name and address of the registered provider and of any registered manager.

3.  If the registered provider is not an organisation, his relevant qualifications and experience.

4.  If the registered provider is an organisation the name and address and qualifications and experience of the responsible individual.

5.  The relevant qualifications and experience of any registered manager.

6.  The number, relevant qualifications and experience of the staff working for the purposes of the agency.

7.  The status, constitution and organisational structure of the agency, which identify the lines of accountability, specific roles and responsibilities for areas of activity.

8.  The age-range and sex of the service users in respect of whom the agency may make placements.

9.  The range of needs that the agency is intended to meet through the making of placements.

10.  The arrangements made for consultation with service users about the operation of the agency.

11.  The arrangements made for contact between placements and their relatives, friends, representatives and the local community where practicable.

12.  The arrangements for dealing with complaints.

13.  The arrangements made for dealing with reviews of the service users plan referred to in regulation 19.