

Service user’s guide

4.—(1) The registered person shall produce a written guide to the agency (in these Regulations referred to as the “service user’s guide”) which shall include—

(a)a summary of the statement of purpose;

(b)a statement explaining the process whereby arrangements are made for the placing of service users, including how adult placement carers are chosen to provide care or support to service users and how the placement is made;

(c)a statement of the range of care and support provided by the adult placement carers;

(d)a statement of the fee, or range of fees, payable by or in respect of service users for the provision of each type of care and support provided under the agency including a statement of any services for which there may be an extra charge not included within the stated fee or range of fees;

(e)the standard terms and conditions for the provision of the care and support for service users, including the terms governing the termination of the placement and the notice period required to terminate the placement;

(f)a summary of the complaints procedure established in accordance with regulation 22; and

(g)the address and telephone number of the registered provider and of the Regulation and Improvement Authority.

(2) The registered provider shall—

(a)make a copy of the service users guide available on request for inspection at the agency premises by every service user and any representative;

(b)supply a copy of the service user’s guide to the Regulation and Improvement Authority and each service user or his representative.

(3) The registered provider shall provide on request access to a copy of the most recent inspection report and information on how to access earlier inspection reports.