Pensions Increase (Review) Order (Northern Ireland) 2007

Increase in certain lump sums

4.—(1) This article applies to any lump sum or instalment of a lump sum which became payable on or after 10th April 2006 but before 9th April 2007.

(2) The pension authority may increase a lump sum or instalment of a lump sum to which this article applies by 3.6 per cent of the amount of the lump sum or instalment (as increased by the amount of any increase under section 1 of the Act of 1971 or under the existing Orders) multiplied by—

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A is the number of complete months in the period between the beginning date for the lump sum or, if later, 10th April 2006 and the date on which it became payable; and


B is 12.