  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation and commencement

  3. 2.Interpretation

  4. 3.Application of the Regulations

  5. 4.Requirement for screening decision

  6. 5.Screening procedure

  7. 6.Requirement for consent

  8. 7.Scoping opinion

  9. 8.Provision of information

  10. 9.The consent application

  11. 10.Further information and evidence relating to environmental statements

  12. 11.Other EEA States

  13. 12.The consent decision

  14. 13.Review of decisions and consents

  15. 14.Appeals (general provisions)

  16. 15.Determination of appeals by written representations

  17. 16.Determination of appeals by hearing

  18. 17.Determination of appeals

  19. 18.Public Participation

  20. 19.Offence of carrying out a project without a decision under these Regulations

  21. 20.Offence of carrying out work in contravention of a condition

  22. 21.Offence of procuring a decision by supplying false information etc.

  23. 22.Stop notices

  24. 23.Penalties for contravention of a stop notice

  25. 24.Reinstatement

  26. 25.Powers of entry and default powers

  27. 26.Revocation

  28. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Consultation Bodies

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Selection Criteria for the screening decision

      1. 1.Characteristics of projects

      2. 2.Location of project

      3. 3.The potential impact

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Information for inclusion in the environmental statements

      1. PART 1

        1. 1.Description of the project, including in particular—

        2. 2.An outline of the main alternatives studied by the applicant...

        3. 3.A description of the aspects of the environment likely to...

        4. 4.A description of the likely significant effects of the project...

        5. 5.A description of the measures envisaged to prevent, reduce and,...

        6. 6.A non-technical summary of the information provided under paragraphs 1...

        7. 7.An indication of any difficulties (technical deficiencies or lack of...

      2. PART 2

        1. 8.A description of the project comprising information on the site,...

        2. 9.A description of the measures envisaged in order to avoid,...

        3. 10.The data required to identify and assess the main effects...

        4. 11.An outline of the main alternatives studied by the applicant...

        5. 12.A non-technical summary of the information provided under paragraphs 1...

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Review of decisions and consents

      1. 1.The Department shall as soon as reasonably practicable make an...

      2. 2.For the purposes of the assessment the Department—

      3. 3.Unless, following the assessment, the Department is satisfied that the...

      4. 4.Subject to paragraph 5, a revocation or modification of a...

      5. 5.If, where a project which is subject to a decision...

      6. 6.Regulation 14 shall apply to a decision made in accordance...

      7. 7.If, following a decision under paragraph 3, a person has...

      8. 8.A claim for compensation payable under paragraph 5 or 7...

      9. 9.Any dispute as to the amount of compensation payable under...

      10. 10.Nothing in this regulation shall affect anything done in pursuance...

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Delegation of appellate functions

      1. 1.In this Schedule “appointed person” means a person appointed under...

      2. 2.An appointment must be in writing and—

      3. 3.Where an appointed person holds a hearing, whether public or...

      4. 4.Subject to regulation 14, the costs of a hearing by...

      5. 5.(1) Where under paragraph 2(d) the appointment of the appointed...

      6. 6.(1) Anything done or omitted to be done by an...

  29. Explanatory Note