The Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006

Amendment of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2002

8.—(1) After Regulation 19(1)(b), insert—

(c)in the case of drugs specified in Schedule 2, where the drug was supplied on prescription, he shall in addition enter into the register in the form specified in Part II of Schedule 6, whether the person who collected the drug was the patient, the patient’s representative or a health care professional acting on behalf of the patient and—

(i)if the person who collected the drug was a health care professional acting on behalf of the patient, that person’s name and address; or

(ii)if the person who collected the drug was the patient or the patient’s representative, whether evidence of identity was requested of that person; and whether evidence of identity was provided by the person collecting the drug.

(2) After regulation 19(2), insert—

(2A) Subject to regulation 20(e), nothing in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall prevent the use of a register to record additional information to that required or allowed under those provisions.