The Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006


22.—(1) The Department shall not exercise the option permitted under point 7(c) of Annex VII of the Community TSE Regulation.

(2) The Department may exercise the option permitted under point 6 of that Annex.

(3) The occupier of any premises may apply to the Department asking it to exercise one or both of the options permitted under point 9 of that Annex.

(4) An application under this paragraph shall be in writing and shall set out in full the reasons for the application.

(5) The Department shall give the applicant its decision in writing, which shall state that it—

(a)consents to the application;

(b)consents in part to the application; or

(c)refuses the application.

(6) Unless the Department consents to the application in full, the appeals procedure in regulation 10 applies in relation to any decision under sub-paragraph (5).