The Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006

Approvals, authorisations, licences and registrations

6.—(1) The Department shall grant an approval, authorisation, licence or registration under these Regulations (“an official document”) if it is satisfied that the provisions of the Community TSE Regulation and these Regulations will be complied with.

(2) An official document must be in writing, and must specify—

(a)the address of the premises to which it relates;

(b)the name of the occupier; and

(c)the purpose for which it is granted.

(3) An official document may be made subject to such conditions as are necessary to—

(a)ensure that the provisions of the Community TSE Regulation and these Regulations will be complied with; or

(b)protect public or animal health.

(4) If the Department refuses to grant an official document, or grants one subject to conditions, it must—

(a)give its reasons in writing; and

(b)explain the right of the applicant to make written representations to a person appointed by the Department.

(5) The appeals procedure in regulation 10 then applies.