The Plant Health (Import Inspection Fees) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005


4.—(1) An importer of a consignment to which these Regulations apply shall pay to the Department the fees specified in this regulation.

(2) In respect of a plant health check carried out on any consignment of plants, plant products or other objects, other than a consignment of a plant or plant product to which paragraph (3) applies, the fee payable shall be—

(a)the fee specified in the third column of Schedule 1 in respect of a check carried out during daytime working hours; or

(b)the fee specified in the fourth column of that Schedule in respect of a check carried out outside those hours.

(3) In respect of a plant health check carried out, or which, but for Article 13a(2) of the Directive (providing for such checks to be carried out at reduced frequency), would have been required to be carried out, on a consignment of any plant or plant product listed in the first column of Schedule 2 and originating from a country listed in the third column of that Schedule, the fee payable, in accordance with Article 13d(2) of the Directive, shall be—

(a)the fee specified in the fourth column of Schedule 2 in respect of a check carried out during daytime working hours; and

(b)the fee specified in the fifth column of that Schedule in respect of a check carried out outside those hours.

(4) In respect of a documentary check or an identity check carried out on any consignment the fee payable shall be the fee specified for that check in the third column of Schedule 3.