The Education (School Development Plans) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005

3.  An assessment of –

(a)the nature and quality of –

(i)the general progress of pupils including in the case of schools other than nursery schools, the pupils' work and the standards of their attainment;

(ii)the management structures and responsibilities within the school;

(iii)the teaching provided by the school;

(iv)the arrangements for the professional development of staff;

(v)the curricular and extra curricular provision made for pupils;

(vi)the provision made for pupils with special educational needs;

(vii)the provision made for the pastoral care of pupils;

(viii)the strategies for promoting pupils' attendance, good behaviour and discipline;

(ix)the arrangements for managing attendance and promotion of health and well-being of staff and pupils;

(x)the school’s links with the parents of pupils at the school and the wider community, including the business community and other schools; and

(xi)the school’s accommodation.

(b)The school’s current financial position and projected resources during the period covered by the plan.

(c)The extent to which the school has met its key targets or progress has been made towards these key targets in any school development plan which a school development plan supersedes or revises.