The Nursing Homes Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005

Regulation 3(1)(c)


1.  The name and address of the registered provider and of any registered manager.

2.  The relevant qualifications and experience of the registered provider and any registered manager.

3.  The number, relevant qualifications and experience of the staff working at the nursing home.

4.  The philosophy of care.

5.  The status and constitution of the nursing home.

6.  The organisational structure of the nursing home.

7.  The number of patients to be accommodated or provided with services.

8.  The range of needs, (categories of nursing) that the nursing home is intended to meet and the number in each category.

9.  Any criteria used for admission to the nursing home, including the nursing home’s policy and procedures (if any) for emergency admissions.

10.  The arrangements for patients to engage in social activities, hobbies and leisure interests.

11.  The arrangements made for consultation with patients about the operation of the nursing home.

12.  The fire precautions and associated emergency procedures in the nursing home.

13.  The arrangements made, so far as it is practicable, that patients have the opportunity to attend religious services of their choice.

14.  The arrangements made for contact between patients and their relatives, friends and representatives and the local community, where practicable.

15.  The arrangements for dealing with complaints.

16.  The arrangements made for dealing with reviews of the patient’s plan referred to in regulation 16(1).

17.  The number and size of rooms in the nursing home.

18.  Details of any specific therapeutic techniques used in the nursing home and arrangements made for their supervision.

19.  The arrangements made for respecting the privacy and dignity of patients.

Regulations 7, 9, 21


1.  Proof of the person’s identity, including a recent photograph.

2.  Either –

(a)where a certificate is required for a purpose relating to registration under Part III of the Order, or the position falls within section 115(3) or (4) of that Act, an enhanced criminal record certificate issued under section 115 of the Police Act 1997(1); or

(b)in any other case, a criminal certificate issued under section 113 of that Act, including, where applicable, the matters specified in sections 113(3EA) and 115 (6EA)(2) of that Act and the following provisions once they are in force, namely section 113(3EC)(a) and (b) and section 115 (6EB)(a) and (b)(3) of that Act.

3.  Two written references relating to the person, including a reference from the person’s present or most recent employer, (if any).

4.  Where a person has previously worked in a position whose duties involved work with children or vulnerable adults, so far as it is reasonably practicable, verification of the reason why the employment or position ended.

5.  Details and documentary evidence of any relevant qualifications or accredited training of the person and if applicable, registration with an appropriate professional regulatory body.

6.  A full employment history, together with a satisfactory written explanation of any gaps in employment.

7.  Evidence that the person is physically and mentally fit for the purposes of the work which he is to perform with regard to or at the nursing home or, where it is impracticable for the person to obtain such evidence, a declaration signed by the person that he is so fit.

Regulation 19(1)(a)


1.  The following documents in respect of each patient –

(a)the assessment of needs referred to in regulation 15(1)(a);

(b)the patient’s plan referred to in regulation 16(1).

2.  A recent photograph of the patient.

3.  A record of the following matters in respect of each patient –

(a)the name, address, date of birth and marital status of each patient;

(b)the name, address and telephone number of the patient’s next of kin or of any person authorised to act on his behalf;

(c)the name, address and telephone number of the patient’s general practitioner and of any officer of a HSS Trust whose duty it is to supervise the welfare of the patient;

(d)the date on which the patient was admitted to the nursing home;

(e)the date on which the patient was discharged from the nursing home;

(f)if the patient is transferred to another nursing home or to a hospital, the name of the nursing home or hospital and the date on which the patient is transferred;

(g)if the patient died at the nursing home, the date and time of death;

(h)the name and address of any HSS Trust, organisation or other body, which arranged the patient’s admission to the nursing home;

(i)a record of all medicines kept in the nursing home for the patient, and the date on which they were administered to the patient;

(j)a record of any accident affecting the patient in the nursing home and of any other incident in the home which is detrimental to the health or welfare of the patient, the record shall include the nature, date and time of the accident or incident, whether medical treatment was required and the name of the nurses who were respectively in charge of the nursing home and supervising the patient;

(k)a contemporaneous note of all nursing provided to the patient, including a record of his condition and any treatment or surgical intervention;

(l)details of any specialist communications needs of the patient and methods of communication that may be appropriate to the patient;

(m)details of any healthcare plan relating to the patient in respect of medication, specialist health care provision or nutrition;

(n)the wishes of the patient regarding any specific arrangements at the time of death;

(o)a record of falls and of treatment provided to the patient;

(p)a record of incidence of pressure ulcers and of treatment provided to the patient;

(q)a record of any restraint used in relation to the patient;

(r)a record of any limitations agreed with the patient as to the patient’s freedom of choice, liberty of movement and power to make decisions.

4.  A copy of correspondence relating to each patient.

Regulation 19(2)


1.  A copy of the statement of purpose.

2.  A copy of the patient’s guide.

3.  A record of all accounts relating to the home, including a record of patient’s fees and financial arrangements that are handled by the nursing home and a record of persons working at the home acting as the appointee or agent of a patient.

4.  A copy of all inspection reports.

5.  A copy of any report made under regulation 29(4)(c) and a copy of any written record or report made under regulation 30.

6.  A record of all persons employed at the nursing home, including in respect of each person so employed, including –

(a)his full name, address, date of birth, qualifications, experience and if applicable, confirmation of his registration status with an appropriate professional regulatory body;

(b)a copy of his birth certificate and passport (if any);

(c)a copy of each reference obtained in respect of him;

(d)the dates on which he commences and ceases to be so employed;

(e)the position he holds at the nursing home, the work that he performs and the number of hours for which he is employed each week;

(f)correspondence, reports, records of disciplinary action and any other records in relation to his employment including the recruitment process under which he was appointed;

(g)the training and development activities completed by him.

7.  A copy of the duty roster of persons working at the nursing home, and a record of whether the roster was actually worked.

8.  A record of the nursing home’s charges to patients, including any extra amounts payable for additional services not covered by those charges, and the amounts paid by or in respect of each patient.

9.  A record of all money or other valuables deposited by a patient for safekeeping or received on the patient’s behalf, which –

(a)shall state the date on which the money or valuables were deposited or received, the date on which any money or valuables were returned to a patient or used, at the request of the patient, on his behalf and, where applicable, the purpose for which the money or valuables were used; and

(b)shall include the written acknowledgement of the return of the money or valuables.

10.  A record of furniture and personal possessions brought by a patient into the room occupied by him.

11.  A record of all complaints made by patients or representatives or relatives of patients or by persons working at the nursing home about the operation of the nursing home, and the action taken by the registered person in respect of any such complaint.

12.  A record of any of the following events that occur in the nursing home –

(a)any accident;

(b)any incident which is detrimental to the health or welfare of a patient, including the outbreak of infectious disease in the home;

(c)any injury or serious illness;

(d)any fire;

(e)except where a record to which paragraph 14 refers is to be made, any occasion on which the fire alarm equipment is operated;

(f)any theft or burglary.

13.  Records of the food provided for patients in sufficient detail to enable any person inspecting the record to determine whether the diet is satisfactory, in relation to nutrition and otherwise, and of any special diets prepared for individual patients.

14.  A record of every fire practice, drill or test of fire equipment (including fire alarm equipment) conducted in the nursing home and of any action taken to remedy defects in the fire equipment.

15.  A statement of the procedure to be followed in the event of a fire, or where a fire alarm is activated.

16.  A statement of the procedure to be followed in the event of accidents or in the event of a patient becoming missing.

17.  A record of charges made to patients for transport and the amounts paid by or in respect of each patient.

18.  Where patients collectively own the vehicles –

(a)a record is kept with the amounts paid by or in respect of each patient running the vehicle;

(b)a record is kept of journeys made and names of patients being transported.

19.  A record of the programme of events and activities that includes the name of the person leading the activity and the names of those who participated.

20.  A record of all staff meetings held and the names of all those attending.

21.  A record of training undertaken as referred to in regulation 20(1)(c)(i).

22.  A record of all visitors to the nursing home, including the names of all visitors.


Section 113(3EA) and 115(6EA) are inserted by S.I. 2003/417 (N.I. 4) – Article 17


Section 113(3EC) and 115(6EB) are inserted by S.I. 2003/417 (N.I. 4) – Article 47