Housing Renewal Grants (Reduction of Grant) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2004

40.  Any sum of capital administered on behalf of a person by Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice in England under the provisions of Order 80 of the Rules of the Supreme Court 1965(1), the county court under Order 10 of the County Court Rules 1981(2), or the Court of Protection, where such sum derives from –

(a)an award of damages for a personal injury to that person; or

(b)compensation for the death of one or both parents where the person concerned is under the age of 18.


S.I. 1965/1776; for Order 80 as currently in force see “The Supreme Court Practice 1997”: ISBN 0-421-57620-0


S.I. 1981/1687; for Order 10 as currently in force see “The County Court Practice 1996”; ISBN 0-406-06506-3