Housing Renewal Grants (Reduction of Grant) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2004

55.  Any mandatory top-up payment made to a person pursuant to section 1 of the Employment and Training Act (Northern Ireland) 1950 in respect of that person’s participation in –

(a)an employment programme specified in –

(i)regulation 75(1)(a)(ii)(1) of the Jobseeker’s Allowance Regulations (Voluntary Sector Option of the New Deal);

(ii)regulation 75(1)(a)(iii) of those Regulations (Environmental Task Force Option of the New Deal) or;

(b)the Preparation for Employment Programme or in the Preparation for Employment Programme for 50 plus.


Regulation 75 was substituted by regulation 8 of S.R. 1997 No. 541 and amended by S.R. 1998 No. 182 and S.R. 2000 No. 197