Education (Listed Bodies) Order (Northern Ireland) 2004


Institutions of a university

  • University of Cambridge

    • Christ’s College

    • Churchill College

    • Clare College

    • Clare Hall

    • Corpus Christi College

    • Darwin College

    • Downing College

    • Emmanuel College

    • Fitzwilliam College

    • Girton College

    • Gonville and Caius College

    • Homerton College

    • Hughes Hall

    • Jesus College

    • King’s College

    • Lucy Cavendish College

    • Magdalene College

    • New Hall

    • Newnham College

    • Pembroke College

    • Peterhouse Queens' College

    • Robinson College

    • Selwyn College

    • Sidney Sussex College

    • St Catharine’s College

    • St Edmund’s College

    • St John’s College

    • Trinity College

    • Trinity Hall

    • Wolfson College

  • University of Durham

    • College of St Hild and St Bede

    • Collingwood College

    • George Stephenson College, Queen’s Campus

    • Grey College

    • Hatfield College

    • John Snow College, Queen’s Campus

    • St Aidan’s College

    • St Chad’s College

    • St Cuthbert’s Society

    • St John’s College

    • St Mary’s College

    • Trevelyan College

    • Ushaw College

    • Ustinov College

    • Van Mildert College

  • Unversity of London

    • Institutes of the University

    • British Institute in Paris

    • School of Advanced Study

    • Institutes constituting the School of Advanced Study of the University

    • Institute for the Study of the Americas

    • Institute of Advanced Legal Studies

    • Institute of Classical Studies

    • Institute of Commonwealth Studies

    • Institute of English Studies

    • Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies

    • Institute of Historical Research

    • University Marine Biological Station, Millport

    • Warburg Institute

  • University of Manchester

    • Manchester Business School

  • University of Oxford

    • All Souls College

    • Balliol College

    • Brasenose College

    • Christ Church

    • Corpus Christi College

    • Exeter College

    • Green College

    • Harris Manchester College

    • Hertford College

    • Jesus College

    • Keble College

    • Kellogg College

    • Lady Margaret Hall

    • Linacre College

    • Lincoln College

    • Magdalen College

    • Mansfield College

    • Merton College

    • New College

    • Nuffield College

    • Oriel College

    • Pembroke College

    • Queen’s College, The

    • Somerville College

    • St Anne’s College

    • St Antony’s College

    • St Catherine’s College

    • St Cross College

    • St Edmund Hall

    • St Hilda’s College

    • St Hugh’s College

    • St John’s College

    • St Peter’s College

    • Templeton College

    • Trinity College

    • University College

    • Wadham College

    • Wolfson College

    • Worcester College

  • Permanent Private Halls

    • Blackfriars

    • Campion Hall

    • Greyfriars

    • Regent’s Park College

    • St Benet’s Hall

    • St Stephen’s House

    • Wycliffe Hall

  • University of Wales

    • North East Wales Institute

    • Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama

    • Swansea Institute of Higher Education

    • Trinity College, Carmathen

    • University of Wales, Aberystwyth

    • University of Wales, Bangor

    • University of Wales, Cardiff

    • University of Wales, Lampeter

    • University of Wales, Newport

    • University of Wales, Swansea

    • University of Wales, College of Medicine

    • University of Wales Insitutute, Cardiff