

2.  In these Regulations –

“a geographical information system” means a computer system for capturing, storing, checking, integrating, manipulating, analysing and displaying data related to spatial locations;

“the Order” means the Street Works (Northern Ireland) Order 1995;

“service pipe and service line” means apparatus of any length of the descriptions contained in paragraph 7(3)(a), (b) or (c) of Schedule 2 to the Order;

“urgent works” means street works (not being emergency works) whose execution at the time they are executed is required (or which the person responsible for the works believes on reasonable grounds to be required) –


to prevent or put an end to an unplanned interruption of any supply or service provided by the undertaker;


to avoid substantial loss to the undertaker in relation to an existing service; or


to reconnect supplies or services where the undertaker would be under a civil or criminal liability if the reconnection is delayed until after the expiration of the appropriate notice period,

and includes works which cannot reasonably be severed from such works.