County Court (Amendment) Rules (Northern Ireland) 2004

PART IIBAppeals in small claims cases

60.—(1) An appeal under Article 30(4)(ab) of the Order shall be brought by Notice of Appeal in Form 130 and shall set out the question of law which is the subject of the appeal and the grounds upon which the appellant relies.

(2) The Notice of Appeal shall, within twenty one days from the date the order, decision or determination was made, be served by the appellant on the chief clerk and on the Respondent and any other party to the proceedings.

(3) The Respondent may within twenty one days from the date of the Notice of Appeal, serve on the chief clerk and the appellant and any other party to the proceedings a notice in Form 131 setting out whether or not he opposes the appeal and the grounds on which he relies.

(4) The judge may give such directions as he considers appropriate in relation to the appeal including if it is to be by way of rehearing and the chief clerk shall notify the parties accordingly.

(5) The decision on the appeal shall be notified by the chief clerk to the parties in Form 131A.