The Family Proceedings (Amendment) Rules (Northern Ireland) 2003

4.  Prospective Adopter(s)

(a)name, date and place of birth and address;


(c)relationship (if any) to the child;

(d)marital status, date and place of marriage (if any) and comments on stability of relationship;

(e)details of any previous marriage;

(f)if a parent and step-parent are applying, the reasons why they prefer adoption to a residence order;

(g)if a natural parent is applying alone, the reasons for the exclusion of the other parent;

(h)if a married person is applying alone, the reasons for this;

(i)physical description;


(k)religion, and whether willing to follow any wishes of the child or his parents or guardian in respect of the child’s religious and cultural upbringing;

(l)educational attainments;

(m)past and present occupations and interests;

(n)particulars of the home and living conditions (and particulars of any home where the prospective adopter proposes to live with the child, if different);

(o)details of income and comments on the living standards of the household;

(p)details of other members of the household (including any children of the prospective adopter even if not resident in the household);

(q)details of the parents and any brothers or sisters of the prospective adopter, with their ages or ages at death;

(r)attitudes to the proposed adoption of such other members of the prospective adopter’s household and family as the adoption agency or, as the case may be, the Board considers appropriate;

(s)previous experience of caring for children as step-parent, foster parent, child-minder or prospective adopter and assessment of ability in this respect, together, where appropriate, with assessment of ability in bringing up the prospective adopter’s own children;

(t)reasons for wishing to adopt the child and extent of understanding of the nature and effect of adoption;

(u)any hopes and expectations for the child’s future;

(v)assessment of ability to bring up the child throughout his childhood;

(w)details of any adoption allowance payable;

(x)confirmation that any referees have been interviewed, with a report of their views and opinion of the weight to be placed thereon; and

(y)any other relevant information which might assist the court.