

PART IVadditional information required for a convention adoption application

27.  Where the United Kingdom is the State of origin –

The Child

(i)to be adopted has not attained the age of 18 years at the date of the application;

(ii)is free for adoption by virtue of an order made under section 18 of the Adoption Act 1976, section 18 of the Adoption (Scotland) Act 1978, or Article 17(1) or 18(1) of the Adoption (Northern Ireland) Order 1987; and

(iii)is habitually resident in which is part of the British Islands on the date of the application.

The Applicants

Both spouses (in the case of an application by a married couple) or the applicant (in the case of an application by one person) have attained the age of 21 years and are habitually resident in which is a Convention country outside the British Islands on the date of the application.


Paragraph 26: The report on the child prepared by the CA of the State of origin should be exhibited. In sub-paragraph (iv) delete the words in square brackets which do not apply. Where one of the applicants is not a British citizen by virtue of the British Nationality Act 1981, notice of confirmation from the Home Office that the child is authorised to enter and reside permanently in the United Kingdom should be exhibited.