Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003

Kneeling systems

6.—(1) Where a regulated public service vehicle is fitted with a kneeling system, the vehicle and system shall comply with the following requirements–

(a)a switch shall be required to be used to enable operation of the system;

(b)any control which initiates the lowering or raising of any part or the whole of the body relative to the road surface must be clearly identified and under the direct control of the driver of the vehicle;

(c)the lowering process shall be capable of being stopped and immediately reversed by a control which is both–

(i)within reach of the driver whilst seated in the cab, and

(ii)adjacent to any controls provided for the operation of the kneeling system;

(d)the kneeling system shall not–

(i)allow the vehicle to be driven at a speed of more than 5km/h where the vehicle is lower than the normal height of travel, or

(ii)allow the vehicle to be lowered when the operation of an entrance or exit door (other than an emergency door) is prevented for any reason.

(2) In this paragraph “emergency door” means an external door which is generally intended for use only in an emergency.