


1.—(1) In this Schedule–

“activity” includes a diving operation;

“designated area” means any area designated by Order under section 1(7) of the Continental Shelf Act 1964(1) and “within a designated area” includes over and under it;

“diving operation” has the same meaning as it has in the Diving Operations at Work Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1994(2) save that it includes an activity in which a person takes part as a diver wearing an atmospheric pressure suit and without breathing in air or other gas at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure;

“energy structure” means a fixed or floating structure, other than a vessel, for producing energy from wind or water;

“offshore installation” shall be construed in accordance with paragraph 2(2) and (3);

“supplementary unit” means a fixed or floating structure, other than a vessel, for providing energy, information or substances to an offshore installation;

“stand-by vessel” means a vessel which is ready to give assistance in the event of an emergency on or near an offshore installation;

“vessel” includes a hovercraft and any floating structure which is capable of being staffed.

(2) For the purposes of this Schedule, any structures and devices on top of a well shall be treated as forming part of the well.

(3) Any reference in this Schedule to premises and activities includes a reference to any person, article or substance on those premises or engaged in, or, as the case may be, used or for use in connection with any such activity, but does not include a reference to an aircraft which is airborne.


1964 c. 29; section 1 was amended by the Oil and Gas Enterprise Act 1982 (1982 c. 23), Schedule 3, paragraph 1