
Information, instruction and training

9.—(1) Every employer shall ensure that adequate information, instruction and training is given to those of his employees–

(a)who are or are liable to be exposed to asbestos, or who supervise such employees, so that they are aware of–

(i)the significant findings of the risk assessment,

(ii)the risks to health from asbestos,

(iii)the precautions which should be observed, and

(iv)the relevant control limit and action level,

in order to safeguard themselves and other employees; and

(b)who carry out work in connection with the employer’s duties under these Regulations, so that they can carry out that work effectively.

(2) The information, instruction and training required by paragraph (1) shall be–

(a)given at regular intervals;

(b)adapted to take account of significant changes in the type of work carried out or methods of work used by the employer; and

(c)provided in a manner appropriate to the nature and degree of exposure identified by the risk assessment.