
SCHEDULE 3Keeping and retention of records

Records to be kept by processors

6.  Any processor in receipt of milk or milk products for processing or treating shall keep, and retain for the relevant period, records comprising details of all quantities of milk or milk products received, showing—

(a)the time and date of their delivery;

(b)their volume or weight per delivery (including copies of tanker receipts and weighbridge tickets in the cases referred to in paragraphs 2(2)(c) and 3(f));

(c)the name and address of the haulier concerned;

(d)the name and address of their vendor or donor;

(e)the quantities of milk processed, types of processing undertaken, and quantities and types of milk products produced;

(f)the quantities of milk used in the production of milk products (if not ascertainable from the information provided under sub-paragraph (e));

(g)the calculated stocks of milk and milk products held by that processor at the end of each month and details of actual stocks physically held as at 31st March each year; and

(h)the quantities of milk or milk products sold or otherwise disposed of, with the date of supply or disposal, and the names and addresses of the buyers or recipients concerned.