Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002

Discontinuance of additional contributions

84.—(1) A member paying additional contributions under regulation 57 may elect to stop payment and must do so if he ceases to be an active member.

(2) Such an election must be made by notice in writing to the Committee and the employing authority.

(3) If a member stops paying such contributions before his normal retirement date on leaving his employment because of such permanent incapacity as mentioned in regulation 29(1) or on his death, he is to be treated as having completed payment of those contributions.

(4) If a member stops paying such contributions before his normal retirement date on leaving his employment by reason of redundancy at least 12 months after he elected to pay them, he may elect to make a lump sum payment to the fund.

(5) Such an election must be made by notice in writing to the Committee given not later than the expiry of the period of three months beginning on the day after he leaves his employment (or such longer period as it may allow).

(6) The amount of that payment must be calculated by an actuary appointed by the Committee as representing the capital value of the unpaid contributions.

(7) If the member duly makes that payment before the expiry of the period of one month beginning with the date on which he is notified of its amount, he must be treated as having completed paying his additional contributions under regulation 57.

(8) If a member stops paying such contributions before his normal retirement date and neither paragraph (3) nor (4) applies, such proportion of the original additional period covered by the election may be counted as part of his total membership as the length of the period during which he paid such contributions bears to the length of the full period during which they were to have been paid.

(9) If a member –

(a)stops paying such contributions before his normal retirement date on leaving his employment;

(b)has not become entitled to the payment of any benefit under the Scheme for that employment and has not made an election under regulation 31;

(c)is not treated under this regulation as having completed paying his contributions; and

(d)within 12 months after leaving that employment again enters local government employment, without having received any payment under regulation 88 or 89,

he may pay his employing authority in his new employment an amount equal to the additional contributions that would have been payable if he had not stopped contributing.

(10) If he pays that amount within three months after re-entering local government employment the election under regulation 57 continues in effect and the break in payments must be disregarded.

(11) This regulation does not apply if the member who stops paying contributions receives a return of contributions which includes additional contributions under regulation 57.

(12) In paragraph (4) “redundancy” includes retirement in the interests of efficiency or because the member held a joint appointment which has been ended because the other holder has left it.