Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002

Joining and leaving the Scheme

Joining the Scheme

6.—(1) A person who wishes to become an active member must apply in writing to his employer or future employer.

(2) An eligible person who applies before he begins his employment becomes a member when his employment begins unless he applies to join later.

(3) An eligible employee who applies becomes a member on the first day of the first payment period following the application.

(4) A payment period is a period of service to which the employee’s wages or salary payment relate.

(5) An employee is deemed to have applied to become a member, unless he notified his employer in writing that he did not wish to do so –

(a)before his employment began; or

(b)if he only became eligible to be a member later, before the date he became eligible.

(6) But paragraph (5) does not apply –

(a)to casual employees; or

(b)to former members who opted to leave the Scheme by a notification under regulation 7.

(7) An application for membership may be withdrawn before membership begins.

(8) A former active member may reapply for such membership.

(9) But a person who has given more than one notification under regulation 7 may only reapply again if –

(a)his employer or future employer consents; or

(b)he is beginning a new employment with a new employing authority and he reapplies before he has been employed for three months; or

(c)he is a person about whom information may be given under Article 164(1) of the Pensions (Northern Ireland) Order 1995, as it has effect in the case of the Scheme.

Leaving the Scheme

7.—(1) A person stops being a member if he ceases to be eligible for membership.

(2) A person may leave the Scheme if he wishes but must notify his employer accordingly in writing.

(3) A member who gives such a notification stops being a member from the date the notification specifies.

(4) But, if a date earlier than the notification or no date is specified, he stops being a member at the end of the payment period during which the notification is given.

(5) Where notification is given by a person before he has been a member for three months, he must be treated as not having been a member in that period.