Students Awards Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002


1.  A person –

(a)who attends a specified course during an academic year beginning after 31st August 2002; and

(b)who has been –

(i)resident in the area of a board and ordinarily resident in the British Islands throughout the three years immediately preceding the first year of the specified course; or

(ii)in the case of a person entitled to the payment of an award by virtue of regulation 6(5) ordinarily resident in the European Economic Area throughout the three years immediately preceding the first year of the specified course; and

(c)to whom an award has not been made under these Regulations or previous awards regulations by the board in respect of the specified course; and

(d)who, if he has previously attended a course of higher education, has attended such a course which was provided by a college listed in Part I of Schedule 4.