

Prohibitions: slaughter and carcases


42.—(1) Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with point 4 of Part A of Annex XI to the Community TSE Regulation shall be guilty of an offence.

(2) A person shall not use any meat which is derived from a bovine, ovine or caprine animal that has been pithed in the preparation of any food for sale for human consumption or any feedingstuff.

Prohibition on sale of non-compliant carcases for human consumption

43.  A person shall not sell the carcase of any bovine animal, sheep or goat for human consumption unless it has been inspected as required by this Part and on such inspection found to comply with the requirements of these Regulations.

Prohibition on the removal of brain and eyes

44.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), a person shall not remove the brain or eyes –

(a)from the carcase of a bovine animal which was slaughtered or has died at an age greater than six months; or

(b)from a carcase of a sheep or goat which at the time it was slaughtered or died had one or more permanent incisor teeth erupted through the gum or was aged more than 12 months.

(2) The prohibitions in paragraph (1) shall not apply to brain or eyes removed from such carcases in premises used for the purposes of veterinary or scientific examination or research, providing the part of the premises in which the examination or research is carried out is kept free from food, feedingstuffs and any cosmetic, pharmaceutical or medical product and their starting materials or intermediate products.

Prohibition on the removal of spinal cord

45.—(1) A person shall not remove the spinal cord or any part of it from the vertebral column of a sheep or goat in which there was at least one permanent incisor tooth erupted or which was aged over 12 months at the date of slaughter, except –

(a)in a slaughterhouse or at cutting premises licensed by the Department for the purpose by–

(i)longitudinally splitting the whole vertebral column; or

(ii)removing a longitudinal section of the whole vertebral column containing the spinal cord; or

(b)in premises for the purposes of veterinary or scientific examination.

(2) A person shall not remove the spinal cord or any part of it from the vertebral column of a bovine animal aged six months or more, or longitudinally split the vertebral column of such an animal, except –

(a)in a slaughterhouse; or

(b)in premises for the purposes of veterinary or scientific examination.

Transport of carcases containing specified risk material

46.—(1) A person shall not transport from a slaughterhouse a carcase of a sheep or goat suitable for human consumption that is not marked with a young lamb stamp or the carcase of a bovine animal imported into Northern Ireland from outside the United Kingdom and slaughtered in Northern Ireland, except –

(a)to licensed cutting premises that lie within the same curtilage as the slaughterhouse;

(b)a carcase which has been inspected and health marked in accordance with the Fresh Meat (Hygiene and Inspection) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997 and moved in a vehicle sealed in accordance with regulation 41(3);

(c)when all specified risk material has been removed from the carcase; or

(d)in the case of a sheep carcase, one which –

(i)contains its spinal cord, that cord being specified risk material;

(ii)is intended for export whole direct to listed premises; and

(iii)is moved in a sealed vehicle.

(2) A person shall not transport a carcase in accordance with paragraph (1) unless the carcase is accompanied by a document indicating –

(a)the name, address and licence number of the slaughterhouse from which the carcase is being transported;

(b)where the carcase is being transported to licensed cutting premises, the name, address and licence number of those premises; and

(c)in the case of a sheep carcase transported under sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph (1), the name and address of the listed premises to which it is intended the carcase will be exported.

Possession of carcases containing specified risk material

47.—(1) A person shall not have in his possession elsewhere than in a licensed slaughterhouse, in a sealed vehicle or at licensed cutting premises –

(a)a carcase of a sheep or goat intended for sale for human consumption containing spinal cord, unless it is stamped with a young lamb stamp; or

(b)a carcase of a bovine animal intended for sale for human consumption containing vertebral column which is specified risk material.

(2) A person shall not transport a sheep or goat carcase –

(a)intended for export whole direct to listed premises; and

(b)containing its spinal cord, that cord being specified risk material,

unless he has in his possession, in addition to the document required by regulation 46(2), a copy of the declaration required by regulation 33(9)(b) and the carcase has been marked with the export mark required by regulation 16A of the Specified Risk Material Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997.

(3) Where an authorised officer certifies that any sheep, goat or bovine carcase has been possessed in contravention of paragraph (1) or a sheep or goat carcase is transported in contravention of paragraph (2) that carcase shall be treated for the purposes of Article 8 of the Food Safety (Northern Ireland) Order 1991 as failing to comply with food safety requirements.