
SCHEDULE 4Requirements for knackers' yards

Clean and unclean areas in premises producing feeding stuffs for animals whose flesh is not intended for human consumption

5.—(1) In premises producing feeding stuffs for animals whose flesh is not intended for human consumption there shall be a clean area and an unclean area, adequately separated. The unclean area shall be easy to clean and disinfect. It shall have a covered place (the reception area) to receive and store the untreated animal by-products.

(2) Untreated animal by-products shall be unloaded in the reception area and either—

(a)treated immediately; or

(b)stored in suitable containers in the reception area and treated without undue delay.

(3) Treated animal by-products shall be handled and stored in a clean area in such way as to prevent recontamination. Treated animal by-products shall not be allowed to come into contact with any untreated animal by-products.