Animal By-Products Order (Northern Ireland) 2002

Information to be furnished to the Department

14.—(1) A person who proposes to become engaged in the business of collection, holding or removal of animal by-products shall, not less than 10 days before he becomes so engaged, register with the Department providing the following information—

(a)his name and the address at or from which the business is to be carried on;

(b)whether his proposed business involves the collection, holding or removal of animal by-products or a combination of such activities;

(c)the date on which he proposes to commence that business; and

(d)the purpose for which the animal by-products are intended to be used.

(2) A person who engages in the business of collection, holding or removal of animal by-products shall notify the Department in writing of any changes in the particulars previously notified under paragraph (1) , such notification to be made within 14 days of the change.

(3) A person who engages in the business of collection, holding or removal of animal by-products shall notify the Department in writing within one month of ceasing to engage in such business.