
Restrictions on the killing of salmon

4.  After Part XVIII (Prohibition on any person having undersized Pike or Perch in his possession) there shall be inserted the following Part:

Part XIXRestrictions on the killing of Salmon

85.  Subject to Byelaw 86, where any person whilst angling in any water to which section 25 of the Act applies during the period from 1st March to 31st May in any year, both dates inclusive, takes a salmon, then he shall, without avoidable injury, cause such salmon to be returned immediately to the water from which it was taken.

86.  In that part of Lough Melvin which is situate in County Fermanagh, where any person whilst angling during the period from 1st February to 31st May in any year, both dates inclusive, takes a salmon, then he shall, without avoidable injury, cause such salmon to be returned immediately to the water from which it was taken.

87.  Subject to Byelaws 88, 89 and 90, where any person whilst angling in any water to which section 25 of the Act applies during the period from 1st June to 31st October in any year, both dates inclusive, takes a salmon in excess of two on any day, then he shall, without avoidable injury, cause such salmon to be returned immediately to the water from which it was taken.

88.  In that part of Lough Melvin which is situate in County Fermanagh where any person whilst angling during the period from 1st June to 30th September in any year, both dates inclusive, takes a salmon in excess of two on any day, then he shall, without avoidable injury, cause such salmon to be returned immediately to the water from which it was taken.

89.  In Upper and Lower Lough Erne and in the River Erne where any person whilst angling during the period from 1st June to 30th September in any year, both dates inclusive, takes a salmon in excess of two on any day, then he shall, without avoidable injury, cause such salmon to be returned immediately to the water from which it was taken.

90.  In the River Bush where any person whilst angling during the period from 1st June to 20th October in any year, both dates inclusive, takes a salmon in excess of two on any day, then he shall, without avoidable injury, cause such salmon to be returned immediately to the water from which it was taken..