The Street Works (Register, Notices, Directions and Designations) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002

Part II

Designation of streets with special engineering difficulties and traffic-sensitive streets

6.  Before making a designation of a street either as a street with special engineering difficulties or as a traffic-sensitive street the street authority shall give notice of its proposal specifying a time, not less than one month, within which objections may be made, to—

(a)every undertaker who the authority knows to have apparatus in any street to which the proposed designation refers or who has given notice under Article 14 of the Order of his intention to execute street works in any such street;

(b)every local authority (other than the street authority) in whose area any street to which the proposed designation relates is situated; and

(c)any person who has requested the street authority in writing to be given notice of a proposed designation.

The notice shall include a statement that all objections must be in writing and must specify the grounds on which they are made.

7.  If within the specified period no objection is received by the street authority, or if all objections have been withdrawn, the street authority may make the designation.

8.  If within that period an objection is received by the street authority from any person on whom notice is required to be served under paragraph 6 or from any other person appearing to the street authority to be affected by the proposed designation and the objection is not withdrawn the street authority shall before making the designation consider the objection and may make the designation with or without modifications or may decide not to make the designation as it thinks fit.