Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Controlled Area) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001

Article 2


1.  Articles 32 and 34 of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Order (Northern Ireland) 1962 shall not apply.

2.  The fifth Schedule to the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Order (Northern Ireland) 1962 shall be varied by inserting after sub-paragraph (7) in paragraph A the following sub-paragraphs—

(8) In the controlled area and subject to sub-paragraph (9) a person shall not move any animal or carcase from the premises on which it is at the time of coming into operation of this Order except under the authority of and in accordance with the conditions of a licence issued by the Department.

(9) Paragraph (8) shall not apply to the movement of any animal directly from such premises to a slaughterhouse or to the movement of a carcase slaughtered for human consumption or a carcase of an animal affected or suspected of being affected with scrapie or bovine spongiform encephalopathy and which is destined for disposal.

(10) The owner or person in charge of a vehicle which is used for the transport of an animal or carcase out of, into or within a controlled area shall after each occasion on which that vehicle is so used, and as soon as practicable after the animal or carcase is unloaded therefrom, and before any animal or carcase, or fodder, litter or things intended to be used in connection with, or for or about, any animal, is loaded thereon—

(a)thoroughly cleanse and disinfect that vehicle with an approved disinfectant; and

(b)thoroughly cleanse and disinfect any apparatus or thing used in connection with the loading of that carcase into, its unloading out of or carriage in that vehicle.

(11) A person shall not use any premises in the controlled area for fairs, markets, shows or other gathering of animals except under the authority of and in accordance with the conditions of a licence issued by the Department.

(12) Stalking of deer is prohibited in the controlled area..