
Forms of statutory statement

5.—(1) Subject to the provisions relating to small quantities of feeding stuffs in the second paragraph of Article 16.6 of the Additives Directive, Article 5.2 of the Compound Feeding Stuffs Directive and paragraph (2) the statutory statement—

(a)in the case of any prescribed material delivered in a package or other container, shall—

(i)take the form of a label attached to that package or container; or

(ii)be clearly marked directly thereon, and

(b)in the case of such material delivered in bulk, shall take the form of a document relating to and accompanying each consignment.

(2) In the case of any feed material sold in a quantity not exceeding 10 kg, and supplied directly to the final user thereof, the statutory statement may be provided in the form of a notice in writing.

(3) The particulars, information and instructions required or permitted to be contained in the statutory statement shall—

(a)be clearly separate from any other information;

(b)subject to paragraphs (5) and (6), be in English; and

(c)be legible and indelible.

(4) For the purposes of section 69 (marking of material prepared for sale), prescribed material which is contained in a package or other container shall be labelled or marked in the manner prescribed in relation to such material in paragraph (1) or, where applicable, (2), and such material in bulk shall be marked by the display in as close proximity to the material as may be practicable of a document relating thereto.

(5) In the case of any compound feeding stuff or feed material which is intended for export to a member State, the statutory statement shall be in one or more official Community languages, as determined by that member State.

(6) In the case of any feeding stuff, not being a zootechnical feeding stuff, which is intended for export to an EEA State which is not a member State, the statutory statement shall comply with the requirements of Article 18 of the Additives Directive as if the EEA State were a member State.