
Part IIIInformation

Carriage Information to be provided by consignors

9.—(1) Subject to paragraph (3), any consignor of explosives shall ensure that any operator of a container or wagon engaged by him to carry those explosives is provided with the information specified in paragraph (2), in these Regulations referred to as the Carriage Information.

(2) The Carriage Information shall be provided in documentary form prior to carriage and shall comprise—

(a)in relation to each of the explosives being consigned—

(i)the designation,

(ii)the classification code, preceded by the word “Class” or the classification,

(iii)the UN number, preceded by the letters “UN”,

(iv)the Compatibility Group and Division of each type of explosive carried and the net explosive content,

(v)in the case of explosives in Compatibility Group C, D or G, whether the explosives are explosive articles or explosive substances,

(vi)the mass or volume of those explosives, and

(b)in relation to the consignment as a whole—

(i)the total mass or volume of the explosives consigned,

(ii)the name and address of the consignor,

(iii)the names and addresses of all consignees, if known,

(iv)the name and telephone number where specialist advice concerning the explosives being carried can be obtained in English at any time, and

(v)a statement dated and signed or authenticated by or on behalf of the consignor, (in these Regulations referred to as “the consignor’s declaration”), confirming that, in accordance with the relevant provisions of these Regulations, the 1991 Regulations, the 1993 Regulations and the CDG CPL Regulations,—

(aa)the explosives as presented may be carried,

(bb)the explosives and any packaging in which they are contained are in a fit condition for carriage and are properly labelled, and

(cc)where several packages are packed together in an overpack or in a single container, that this mixed packing is not prohibited.

(3) Paragraph (1) shall not apply in circumstances where the consignor is also the operator provided he is carrying the explosives on his own behalf.

(4) A consignor or anyone acting on his behalf shall not provide false nor misleading information to any operator concerning the explosives to be carried.