Environmentally Sensitive Areas Designation Order (Northern Ireland) 2001

1.  The farmer shall—

(a)prepare and follow a nutrient management plan;

(b)retain and not damage any habitat, landscape or water feature, or heritage feature;

(c)retain existing field boundaries and not remove any hedge, tree, copses, scrub, ditch, dyke or wall or any part thereof, except with the prior written permission of the Department;

(d)maintain open drains and sheughs in accordance with the written advice of the Department;

(e)keep the eligible land free from rubbish and litter;

(f)seek the permission of the Department before undertaking work which may have a detrimental impact on any habitat, landscape feature or heritage feature;

(g)comply with the Codes of Good Agricultural Practice for the protection of—


(ii)air(2); and


published by the Department; and

(h)comply with the Good Farming Practice for the Environment(4) published by the Department.


Soil ISBN 1 85527 1591 (1995)


Air ISBN 1 85527 1605, 1613, (1995)


Water ISBN 1 85527 057 9, 059 5, 112 5, 115, 114 1, 246 6, 351 9, 361 6 (1991-1999)


ISBN 1 855 472 8