
Amendment of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999

5.  For regulation 4(4) of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999(1) there shall be substituted the following paragraph—

(4) In this regulation “suitable”—

(a)subject to sub-paragraph (b), means suitable in any respect which it is reasonably foreseeable will affect the health or safety of any person;

(b)in relation to—

(i)an offensive weapon within the meaning of Article 22(2) of the Public Order (Northern Ireland) Order 1987(2) provided for use as self-defence or as deterrent equipment; and

(ii)work equipment provided for use for arrest or restraint,

by a person who holds the office of constable, means suitable in any respect which it is reasonably foreseeable will affect the health or safety of such person..