
Part IIIArrangements for the Management of Radiation Protection

Radiation protection adviser

13.—(1) Subject to paragraph (3), every radiation employer shall consult such suitable radiation protection advisers as are necessary for the purpose of advising the radiation employer as to the observance of these Regulations and shall, in any event, consult one or more radiation protection advisers with regard to those matters which are set out in Schedule 5.

(2) Where a radiation protection adviser is consulted pursuant to the requirements of paragraph (1) (other than in respect of the observance of that paragraph), the radiation employer shall appoint that radiation protection adviser in writing and shall include in that appointment the scope of the advice which the radiation protection adviser is required to give.

(3) Nothing in paragraph (1) shall require a radiation employer to consult a radiation protection adviser where the only work with ionising radiation undertaken by that employer is work specified in Schedule 1.

(4) The radiation employer shall provide any radiation protection adviser appointed by him with adequate information and facilities for the performance of his functions.

Information, instruction and training

14.  Every employer shall ensure that—

(a)those of his employees who are engaged in work with ionising radiation are given appropriate training in the field of radiation protection and receive such information and instruction as is suitable and sufficient for them to know—

(i)the risks to health created by exposure to ionising radiation;

(ii)the precautions which should be taken; and

(iii)the importance of complying with the medical, technical and administrative requirements of these Regulations;

(b)adequate information is given to other persons who are directly concerned with the work with ionising radiation carried on by the employer to ensure their health and safety so far as is reasonably practicable; and

(c)those female employees of that employer who are engaged in work with ionising radiation are informed of the possible risk arising from ionising radiation to the foetus and to a nursing infant and of the importance of those employees informing the employer in writing as soon as possible—

(i)after becoming aware of their pregnancy; or

(ii)if they are breast feeding.

Co-operation between employers

15.  Where work with ionising radiation undertaken by one employer is likely to give rise to the exposure to ionising radiation of the employee of another employer, the employers concerned shall co-operate by the exchange of information or otherwise to the extent necessary to ensure that each such employer is enabled to comply with the requirements of these Regulations in so far as his ability to comply depends upon such co-operation.