Royal Ulster Constabulary (Conduct) (Senior Officer) Regulations 2000

Notice of investigation and giving of caution

8.  The investigating officer shall, as soon as practicable (without prejudicing his or any other investigation of the matter), cause the senior officer concerned to be given written notice—

(a)that there is to be an investigation into the case;

(b)the nature of the report, complaint or allegation;

(c)in all cases give that senior officer in writing the caution set out in paragraph 1 of Schedule 1;

(d)where he reasonably believes that the presence of any object, substance or mark found on the person of the senior officer or in or on his clothing, footwear or otherwise in his possession or in any place in which the senior officer was present at a time material to the subject matter of the report, allegation or complaint may be attributable to the senior officer having breached the Code of Conduct , inform the senior officer that he so believes and give him in writing the caution set out in paragraph 2 of Schedule 1,

(e)where he reasonably believes that the presence of the senior officer at a place at or about the time the breach of the Code of Conduct was alleged to have been committed may be attributable to his involvement in that breach, inform the senior officer that he so believes and give him in writing the caution set out in paragraph 3 of Schedule 1.