
SCHEDULE 6Additional conditions that apply to the keeping of pigs

Part VPiglets

25.  Piglets shall, where necessary, be provided with a source of heat and a solid, dry and comfortable lying area away from the sow where all of them can rest at the same time.

26.  Where a farrowing crate is used, the piglets shall have sufficient space to be able to suckle without difficulty.

27.  Tail docking or tooth clipping shall not be carried out unless there is evidence, on the farm, that injuries to sows' teats or to other pigs' ears or tails have occurred as a result of not carrying out these procedures.

28.  Where tooth clipping appears to be necessary, this procedure shall only be carried out within seven days of birth.

29.  Piglets shall not be weaned from the sow at an age of less than three weeks unless the welfare or health of the sow or piglets would otherwise be adversely affected.