Education (Student Support) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000

Parental contribution

4.—(1) The parental contribution shall, subject to sub-paragraphs (2) and (3) be—

(a)in any case in which the residual income is £17,805 or more but less than £22,755, £45 with the addition of £1 for every complete £13 by which it exceeds £17,805;

(b)in any case in which the residual income is £22,755 or more but less than £33,450, £425 with the addition of £1 for every complete £9.20 by which it exceeds £22,755; and

(c)in any case in which the residual income is £33,450 or more, £1,587 with the addition of £1 for every complete £7·50 by which it exceeds £33,450,

reduced in each case in respect of each child of the parent (other than the student) who is wholly or mainly financially dependent on him on the first day of the year for which the contribution falls to be ascertained, by £77; and in any case in which the residual income is less than £17,805 the parental contribution shall be nil.

(2) The amount or (where a contribution is ascertained in respect of more than one child of the parent) the aggregate amount of the parental contribution shall in no case exceed £6,437.

(3) For any year in which a statutory award is held by—

(a)more than one child of the parent;

(b)the parent; or

(c)the student’s step-parent,

the parental contribution for the eligible student shall be such proportion of any contribution ascertained in accordance with this Part as the Department (after consultation with any other authority involved) considers just; provided that where a contribution is ascertained in respect of more than one child of the parent the aggregate amount of the contributions in respect of each shall not exceed the amount of the contribution that would be ascertained if only one child held an award.