
Citation and commencement

1.  These Regulations may be cited as the Census Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 and shall come into force on 26th June 2000.


2.—(1) In these Regulations—

“the Act” means the Census Act (Northern Ireland) 1969;

“the census” means the census directed to be taken by the Census Order (Northern Ireland) 2000(1) (hereinafter referred to as “the Census Order”);

“census area manager” means an officer appointed under regulation 4(1)(a);

“census day” means 29th April 2001;

“census district” means a district so referred to in regulation 3;

“census district manager” means an officer appointed under regulation 4(1)(b);

“census enumerator” means an officer appointed as such under regulation 4(1)(d);

“census team leader” means an officer appointed under regulation 4(1)(c);

“enumeration district” means a district so referred to in regulation 3(1);

“individual return envelope” means an envelope in which a completed Individual Form may be sealed;

“officer” means a person appointed under regulation 4;

“prescribed person” means a person required by the Census Order to make a return;

“Registrar General” means the Registrar General for Northern Ireland; and,

“reply-paid envelope” means an envelope which is pre-addressed and which does not require payment by the sender.

(2) In these Regulations, a reference to a form is a reference to the form of return which is set out in Schedule 3.

Census districts, enumeration districts and census areas

3.—(1) For the purpose of the census, the Registrar General shall divide Northern Ireland into census districts and shall divide each census district into enumeration districts.

(2) The Registrar General may designate any number of adjoining census districts as a census area.

Appointment of Officers

4.—(1) For the purpose of the census—

(a)the Registrar General may appoint a census area manager for any census area designated under regulation 3(2);

(b)the Registrar General or the census area manager may appoint a census district manager for each census district;

(c)the Registrar General, the census area manager or the census district manager may appoint for a census district such number of census team leaders as the Registrar General may specify as being necessary for that census district; and

(d)the Registrar General, the census area manager or the census district manager may appoint—

(i)one census enumerator for each enumeration district, and

(ii)such other persons as may be necessary for taking the census.

(2) The officers appointed under this regulation shall perform the duties assigned to them under the Act and by these Regulations.


5.  Every officer shall complete the form of undertaking set out in Schedule 1 before he performs any of the duties assigned to him under the Act and by these Regulations.

Forms of return

6.—(1) The form of return to be made by a prescribed person mentioned in column (1) of Schedule 2, or by any person making a return on behalf of a prescribed person under Article 5(6) or (7) of the Census Order, shall be the form which has the title specified in the corresponding entry in column (2) of that Schedule, and which is set out under that title in Schedule 3; and any such person shall comply with the instructions contained in that form.

(2) The duty to make a form of return is discharged only when the completed form has been received by the census district manager, census team leader or other officer.

Supply of forms and other documents for census enumerators

7.—(1) The Registrar General shall issue to every census district manager sufficient numbers of enumeration record books, forms of return, reply-paid envelopes, individual return envelopes and such other forms or documents as may be necessary for the purpose of the census.

(2) Every census district manager shall supply to every census enumerator appointed to act for an enumeration district within his census district an enumeration record book for the enumeration district for which he has been appointed, sufficient numbers of forms of return, reply-paid envelopes, individual return envelopes and such other forms or documents as may be necessary for the purpose of the census.

Delivery of forms of return

8.—(1) The census enumerator or other officer shall deliver forms of return, reply-paid envelopes and individual return envelopes in advance of census day, as follows—

(a)a Household Form and a reply-paid envelope to the householder or joint householders, or the person or persons for the time being acting as householder or joint householders, of each household occupying a dwelling or part of a dwelling mentioned in Group 1 in Schedule 1 to the Census Order or, where there is no householder or acting householder and there are no joint householders or acting joint householders of that household, to a member of that household who is aged 16 years or over on census day or, where that household consists of one person, to that person; and

(b)subject to paragraph (2) the number of Communal Establishment Forms and Individual Forms and the number of individual return envelopes which the census enumerator estimates is likely to be necessary for the purpose of the census, and a reply-paid envelope to the manager, chief resident officer, or other person for the time being in charge of any premises mentioned in Group II, III, or IV in Schedule 1 to the Census Order;

(2) A reply-paid envelope need not be delivered under paragraph (1)(b) where arrangements are made for the collection of the completed forms of return under regulation 12(5).

(3) The duty assigned to the census enumerator by paragraph (1)(a) to deliver a form of return and a reply-paid envelope and by paragraph (1)(b) to deliver a form of return and, where appropriate, an individual return envelope and a reply-paid envelope shall be satisfied—

(a)if he hands them to the appropriate person mentioned in paragraph (1) or to a responsible person claiming to act on behalf of that person;

(b)where no appropriate or responsible person is available, if he leaves them at the dwelling or premises referred to in paragraph (1); or

(c)where no appropriate or responsible person is available and it is not possible to leave them at the dwelling or premises referred to in paragraph (1), if he posts them to that dwelling or premises.

(4) The Registrar General shall make arrangements for the delivery of—

(a)the number of Communal Establishment Forms and Individual Forms, and the number of individual return envelopes which are necessary for the purpose of the census to the director or governor or other person for the time being in charge of any premises mentioned in Group V in Schedule 1 to the Census Order, the commanding officer or other person for the time being in charge of any premises or vessel mentioned in Group VI in that Schedule and to the captain, master or other person for the time being in charge of any vessel mentioned in Group VII in that Schedule;

(b)a Communal Establishment Form to a person appointed under regulation 4(d) to enumerate persons mentioned in Group VIII in Schedule 1 to the Census Order; and

(c)an Individual Form and an individual return envelope where one is requested, to every person mentioned in Group VIII in Schedule 1 to the Census Order.

(5) The person to whom forms of return, individual return envelopes and a reply-paid envelope are delivered under paragraph (1)(b) or to whom forms of return and individual return envelopes are delivered under paragraph (4)(a) shall hand an Individual Form and an individual return envelope to every prescribed person on the premises or vessel who appears to him to be capable of completing the form.

(6) Where the manager or other person in charge of any premises mentioned in Group II in Schedule 1 to the Census Order has arranged for a return with respect to a person incapable of making a return to be made by a relative or other person accompanying him, he shall hand an Individual Form and an individual return envelope to the relative or other person for that purpose.

Individual returns in households

9.—(1) Any person who satisfies the conditions prescribed in Article 5(5) of the Census Order and who elects to make an individual return (“the elector”) or a person acting on his behalf may ask the census enumerator to provide him with a separate Individual Form and an individual return envelope.

(2) The census enumerator shall issue to the elector, or to the person acting on his behalf, the appropriate Individual Form and an individual return envelope.

Information to be provided by census enumerators

10.  When the census enumerator or other officer delivers forms of return he shall enter—

(a)in the case of a Household Form, delivered in accordance with regulation 8(1)(a)—

(i)the name of the person to whom the form has been delivered;

(ii)the address and postcode of the dwelling or the part of the dwelling;

(iii)the census district number;

(iv)the enumeration district number;

(v)the form number; and

(vi)the number of forms issued;

(b)in the case of a Communal Establishment Form delivered in accordance with regulation 8(1)(b) or regulation 8(4)(a) or (b)—

(i)the name of the establishment;

(ii)the address and postcode of the establishment;

(iii)the census district number;

(iv)the enumeration district number;

(v)the form number; and

(vi)a tick in the appropriate box if the form refers to premises mentioned in Group VIII in Schedule 1 to the Census Order;

(c)in the case of an Individual Form delivered in accordance with regulation 8(1)(b) or regulation 8(4)(a) or (c)—

(i)the census district number;

(ii)the enumeration district number; and

(iii)the form number; and

(d)in the case of an Individual Form issued in accordance with regulation 9(2)—

(i)the name of the elector;

(ii)the address and postcode of the dwelling or the part of the dwelling;

(iii)the census district number;

(iv)the enumeration district number; and

(v)the form number.

Information to be provided by persons in charge of premises or vessels

11.—(1) The manager, chief resident officer, director or governor, or other person for the time being in charge of any premises mentioned in Group II, III, IV or V in Schedule 1 to the Census Order shall enter on every form of return made under Article 5(6) of the Census Order by or with respect to any person in the premises, the name of the person by or with respect to whom the return is to be made and the address and postcode of the premises.

(2) The commanding officer or other person for the time being in charge of any premises or vessel mentioned in Group VI in Schedule 1 to the Census Order, and the captain, master or other person for the time being in charge of any vessel mentioned in Group VII in that Schedule, shall enter on every form of return made under Article 5(6) of the Census Order by or with respect to any person in the premises or vessel, the name of the person by or with respect to whom the return is to be made and the address and postcode of the premises or vessel as the case may be.

Return of completed forms of return

12.—(1) Every person to whom an Individual Form has been issued under regulation 9(2) shall return the completed form by placing it in the individual return envelope and handing that envelope on the day after census day or as soon thereafter as is reasonably practicable to the person to whom the Household Form was delivered under regulation 8(1)(a).

(2) Every person to whom a form of return has been delivered under regulation 8(1)(a) shall return the completed form, together with any individual return envelopes that have been handed to him under paragraph (1) by posting it or them, as the case may be, on the day after census day or as soon thereafter as is reasonably practicable in the reply-paid envelope supplied.

(3) Where Individual Forms and individual return envelopes have been handed out in accordance with regulation 8(5) or (6) the person responsible for handing out the forms, or any person who has taken his place, shall collect the completed forms and any individual return envelopes on the day after census day or as soon thereafter as is reasonably practicable.

(4) Every person to whom forms of return, individual return envelopes and a reply-paid envelope have been delivered under regulation 8(1)(b) shall return the completed Communal Establishment Form, together with any completed Individual Forms, and any individual return envelopes that have been collected by him under paragraph (3), by posting it or them as the case may be, on the day after census day or as soon thereafter as is reasonably practicable in the reply-paid envelope supplied.

(5) The census enumerator shall make arrangements for the collection of completed Communal Establishment Forms together with any completed Individual Forms and any individual return envelopes including those collected under paragraph (3) from every person to whom Communal Establishment Forms and Individual Forms, and individual return envelopes, but not a reply-paid envelope, were delivered under regulation 8(1)(b).

(6) The Registrar General shall make arrangements for the collection of completed Communal Establishment Forms together with any completed Individual Forms and any individual return envelopes including those collected under paragraph (3) from every person to whom Communal Establishment Forms and Individual Forms, and individual return envelopes were delivered under regulation 8(4)(a).

(7) The Registrar General shall make arrangements for the collection of a completed Communal Establishment Form from the person to whom such a form was delivered under regulation 8(4)(b) and for the collection of completed Individual Forms made by persons in places mentioned in Group VIII in Schedule 1 to the Census Order.

(8) The Registrar General may make such other arrangements for the collection of the particulars prescribed by the Census Order to be stated in the returns, as he thinks fit.

Follow-up action

13.—(1) The census team leader or such other officer as may be necessary shall open any reply-paid envelopes and any individual return envelopes which have been returned or collected under regulation 12 and shall examine each form of return and satisfy himself that the entries thereon are properly and sufficiently made.

(2) If the census team leader or other officer is not satisfied that the entries on a form of return are properly and sufficiently made he shall pass the form of return to an appropriate officer who shall make all such enquiries of the persons concerned in completing the form, or the persons with respect to whom the return is made, as are reasonably necessary to obtain from them the particulars prescribed by the Census Order to be stated in the return.

(3) If by 8th May 2001 the census team leader has not received a form of return, the appropriate census enumerator or other officer shall make all such enquiries of the persons concerned in completing the form, or the persons with respect to whom the return is to be made, as are reasonably necessary to obtain from them the particulars prescribed by the Census Order to be stated in the return.

(4) Where the census enumerator or other officer has completed his enquiries under paragraph (3) he shall—

(a)collect the completed form of return;

(b)agree that the completed form of return may be returned by posting it in the reply-paid envelope provided; or

(c)deliver a duplicate form of return and make such arrangements for the collection of the return as he thinks fit.

(5) Where the census enumerator or other officer has not received a completed form of return under paragraph (4)(b) he may deliver a duplicate form of return and make such arrangements for the collection of the form of return as he thinks fit.

Further duties of census enumerators, census team leaders and census district managers

14.—(1) As soon after census day as is reasonably practicable, the census enumerator shall complete the enumeration record book.

(2) When directed to do so by the census district manager, the census enumerator shall deliver to the census district manager or to a census team leader the enumeration record book, all forms of return which have been passed to or collected by him, as the case may be, and any other written record of any nature in his possession which contains any personal census information.

(3) When directed to do so by the Registrar General, the census district manager or census team leader shall send to the Registrar General all completed enumeration record books relating to the enumeration districts within their census district, all forms of return however acquired, all other written records delivered to them by census enumerators, and any other written record of any nature in their possession which contains any personal census information.

(4) When directed to do so by the Registrar General, the census area manager shall send to the Registrar General any record (including any electronic record) in his possession which contains any personal census information.

Giving of information

15.—(1) Every prescribed person shall give to the census enumerator or other officer such information as the census enumerator or other officer may reasonably require for the performance of his duties under these Regulations.

(2) Every person in respect of whom it is the duty of a prescribed person to make a return shall give to that prescribed person such information as the prescribed person may reasonably require for that purpose, and shall give to the census enumerator or other officer such information as that officer may reasonably require for the performance of his duties under these Regulations.

(3) A person to whom information is given pursuant to the Census Order and these Regulations shall not without lawful authority—

(a)make use of that information; or

(b)publish it or communicate it to any other person,

otherwise than for the purposes of the Act.

Safe custody of forms and documents

16.  Any person having the custody, whether on his own behalf or on behalf of any other person, of any forms of return, enumeration record books or other documents (including electronic documents) containing confidential information relating to a census shall keep such forms, books and other documents in such manner as to prevent any unauthorised person having access to them.


17.  The Census Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1990(2) are hereby revoked.

Sealed with the Official Seal of the Department of Finance and Personnel on 25th May 2000.


T. N. Caven

A senior officer of the

Department of Finance and Personnel