Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000

3.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraphs (2) and (3), where the Committee receives a notification given by a person under paragraph 2, it shall—

(a)immediately arrange for him to be examined at his own expense by a registered medical practitioner nominated by it and for a report to be given to it by the practitioner stating whether, in his opinion that person is in good health for his age; and

(b)require the person to furnish at his own expense—

(i)a certificate of his birth (except where the date of birth has been duly recorded by the Committee and is not disputed);

(ii)where the beneficiary is the person’s spouse, the spouse’s birth certificate and their marriage certificate;

(iii)where the beneficiary is a dependant, the dependant’s birth certificate and such evidence as may be appropriate to prove dependency,

and any other information or evidence which the Committee considers necessary.

(2) Where the report under sub-paragraph (1)(a) is to the effect that the person is not in good health, the Committee shall notify him accordingly and offer him an opportunity of a further examination at his own expense by some other registered medical practitioner nominated by it with a view to that practitioner reporting to it on the state of the person’s health.

(3) If for any reason a birth or marriage certificate cannot be supplied as mentioned in sub-paragraph (1), the Committee may accept such other evidence of birth or marriage as it thinks fit in order to determine the age or, as the case may be, the marital status of the person concerned.