Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000

Part IRequirements Relating to Obligatory Stop Lamps and to OptionalStop Lamps to the Extent Specified in Part II

1.  Number—

(a) Any vehicle not covered by sub-paragraph (b) or (c):


(b) A solo motor bicycle, a motor bicycle combination, an invalid carriage and a trailer drawn by a solo motor bicycle or a motor bicycle combination:


(c) Any other motor vehicle or trailer first used on or after 1st January 1936 and before 24th January 1996:


2.  Position—

(a) Longitudinal:

No requirement

(b) Lateral—

(i)Maximum distance from the side of the vehicle—

(A)Where two stop lamps are fitted:

One on each side of the longitudinal axis of the vehicle

(B)Where only one stop lamp is fitted:

On the centre-line or off side of the vehicle (disregarding any sidecar forming part of a motor bicycle combination) 400 mm

(ii)Minimum separation distance between two obligatory stop lamps:

400 mm

(c) Vertical—

(i)Maximum height above the ground—

(A)Any vehicle not covered by sub- head (B):

1500 mm or, if the structure of the vehicle makes this impracticable, 2100 mm

(B)A motor vehicle first used before 24th January 1996, a trailer manufactured before that date and a motor vehicle having a maximum speed not exceeding 25 mph:

No requirement

(ii)Minimum height above the ground—

(A)Any vehicle not covered by sub- head (B):

350 mm

(B)A motor vehicle first used before 24th January 1996 and a trailer manufactured before that date:

No requirement

3.  Angles of visibility—

(a) A motor vehicle first used on or after 24th January 1996 and a trailer manufactured on or after that date—


45° to the left and to the right


(A)Except in a case specified in sub- head (B) or (C):

15° above and below the horizontal

(B)Where the highest part of the illuminated area of the lamp is less than 1500 mm above the ground:

15° above and 10° below the horizontal

(C)Where the highest part of the illuminated area of the lamp is less than 750 mm above the ground:

15° above and 5° below the horizontal

(b)A motor vehicle first used before 24th January 1996 and a trailer manufactured before that date:

Visible to the rear

4.  Alignment:

To the rear

5.  Markings—

(a)Any vehicle not covered by sub-paragraph (b) or (c):

An approval mark

(b)A motor vehicle first used before 24th January 1996 and a trailer manufactured before that date:

No requirement

(c) A solo motor bicycle and a motor bicycle combination, in each case first used before 24th January 1996, and a trailer manufactured before 24th January 1996 drawn by a solo motor bicycle or a motor bicycle combination:

No requirement

6.  Size of illuminated area:

No requirement

7.  Colour:


8.  Wattage—

(a) A stop lamp fitted to a motor vehicle first used before 24th January 1996 or a trailer manufactured before that date and a stop lamp bearing an approval mark:

No requirement

(b) Any other stop lamp:

15 to 36 watts

9.  Intensity:

No requirement

10.  Electrical connections—

(a) Every stop lamp fitted to—

(i)a solo motor bicycle or a motor bicycle combination first used on or after 24th January 1996 shall be operated by the application of every service brake control provided for the use of the rider;

(ii)any other motor vehicle, shall be operated by the application of the service braking system;

(b) Every stop lamp fitted to a trailer drawn by a motor vehicle shall be operated by the application of the service braking system of that motor vehicle.

11.  Tell-tale:

No requirement

12.  Other requirements—

Where two stop lamps are required to be fitted, they shall form a pair.

13.  Definitions—

In this Schedule “approval mark” means—

(a)in relation to a solo motor bicycle, a motor bicycle combination or a trailer drawn by a solo motor bicycle or a motor bicycle combination, a marking designated as an approval mark by regulation 4 of the Designation of Approval Marks Regulations and shown at item 50A of Schedule 2 to those Regulations; and

(b)in relation to any other vehicle, either—

(i)a marking designated as an approval mark by regulation 5 of the Designation of Approval Marks Regulations and shown at item 7 or, if combined with a rear position lamp, at item 8 of Schedule 4 to those Regulations; or

(ii)a marking designated as an approval mark by regulation 4 of the Designation of Approval Marks Regulations and shown at item 7B or, if combined with a rear position lamp, at item 7C of Schedule 2 to those Regulations.