Animal By-Products (Identification) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999


2.  In these Regulations—

“the 1993 Regulations” means the Animal By-Products Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1993(1);

“animal” means any of the following food sources, namely


domestic animals of the following species: bovine animals (including buffalo of the species Bubalus bubalis and Bison bison), solipeds, swine, sheep and goats; and


poultry, rabbits, farmed game, farmed game birds and wild game;

“animal by-product” has the meaning given by regulation 3;

“animal by-products premises” means premises, other than a slaughter-house or game processing facility, from which animal by-products are despatched to other premises;

“carcase” means the body of a dead animal;

“the Department” means the Department of Agriculture;

“farmed game” means wild land mammals which are reared and slaughtered in captivity, excluding—


mammals of the family Leporidae; and


wild land mammals living within an enclosed area under conditions of freedom similar to those enjoyed by wild game;

“farmed game birds” means birds, including ratites, but excluding poultry, which are not generally considered domestic but which are bred, reared and slaughtered in captivity;

“farmed game birds by-product” means any animal by-product derived exclusively or mainly from farmed game birds;

“game processing facility” means premises, other than a slaughter-house, used for the purpose of processing farmed game, farmed game birds or wild game the flesh of which is intended for sale for human consumption;

“green offal” means the stomachs, gizzards and intestines of animals;

“the Hygiene Regulations” means—


the Fresh Meat (Hygiene and Inspection) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997(2);


the Poultry Meat, Farmed Game Bird Meat and Rabbit Meat (Hygiene and Inspection) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995(3); and


the Wild Game Meat (Hygiene and Inspection) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997(4);

“imported carcase or part of a carcase” means a carcase or part of a carcase derived from an animal slaughtered outside the United Kingdom;

“knacker’s yard” means any premises used in connection with the business of slaughtering, flaying or cutting up animals the flesh of which is not intended for human consumption;

“meat” means the flesh or other edible parts of an animal;

“occupier” means a person carrying on the business of any slaughter-house, game processing facility or animal by-products premises, or the duly authorised representative of such a person;

“the Order” means the Food Safety (Northern Ireland) Order 1991;

“poultry” means domestic fowls, turkeys, guinea fowls, ducks, geese and quails;

“poultry by-product” means any animal by-product derived exclusively or mainly from poultry;

“scientific purposes” means diagnostic, educational or research purposes;

“slaughter-house” means any premises used for the slaughtering of animals or birds, the flesh of which is intended for human consumption;

“stained” means treated with a solution of the colouring agent Black PN or Brilliant Black BN (E151, Colour Index 197 No. 28440), which solution is of such a strength that the colouring on the animal by-product is clearly visible; and, for the purposes of this definition, “treated” means that the whole surface of the animal by-product has been covered with the said solution either by immersing the animal by-product in, or spraying or otherwise applying, the solution and, in the case of an animal by-product weighing not less than 25 kg, that the solution has been so applied after the surface of the animal by-product has been opened by multiple and deep incisions;

“sterilised” means—


treated by boiling or by steaming under pressure until every piece of animal by-product is cooked throughout;


rendered into tallow, greases, glues, feeding meals or fertilisers; or


subjected to a process, including digestion, other than those described above which inactivates all vegetative forms of human pathogenic organisms in the animal by-product and results in all parts of that animal by-product no longer having the appearance of raw meat;

“wild-game” means wild land mammals which are hunted (including wild land mammals living within an enclosed area under conditions of freedom similar to those enjoyed by wild game) and wild birds.