
SCHEDULE 5Additional Mark for DBES goods, ECHS goods prepared in Northern Ireland, goods containing any DBES goods or ECHS goods (whether or not prepared in Northern Ireland), or foreign origin export eligible goods consisting of, or derived from, fresh meat which has been deboned and from which all adherent tissues, including obvious nervous and lymphatic tissues, have been removed

1.—(1) The additional mark for application to meat using a marking instrument shall consist of an elongated hexagonal mark, with two parallel straight sides of 4.5 cm length, 4.5 cm apart and joined by two shorter sides of equal length to form a point at each end, so that the mark is 8.5 cm long from point to point; bearing on the upper part the initials XEL and in the lower part the approval number of the establishment at which the mark is applied, e.g. 25/1, the letters and figures being at least 1.0 centimetre high and, together with the hexagonal mark, legible and indelible. An example follows:

(2) The additional mark to be applied to carcases shall consist of a mark in the form described in paragraph 1(1) of this Schedule applied by means of ink or hot brand to each half of the carcase on the external surface of the thigh and the shoulder.