
Sampling and other checks and examinations

18.—(1) An inspector shall have power to carry out all checks and examinations necessary for the enforcement of these Regulations.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (1) an inspector may—

(a)take samples (and, if necessary, send the samples for laboratory testing) from any product or material;

(b)examine records, and any information which is contained in a computer, he believes to be relevant to any checks and examinations under these Regulations;

(c)seize, detain and require the production of any such records and information which he has reason to believe may be required as evidence in proceedings under any of the provisions of these Regulations;

(d)take with him any such other person as he considers necessary to carry out any checks and examinations under these Regulations;

(e)require any person who is or appears to be in control of any goods described in regulation 3(1) or 4(1), or any ECHS goods, DBES goods or foreign origin export eligible goods or controlled bovine by-products or foreign origin bovine by-products or any goods, products, by-products or materials of a kind described in regulation 8, to arrange, at his own expense, for those goods, products, by-products or material to be removed from any store, vehicle, vessel, container, packing or wrapping;

(f)carry out inspections of any process or operation to which these Regulations relate and anything used for the marking and identification of products, by-products and materials; and

(g)take with him a representative of the Commission of the European Communities acting for the purposes of the Commission.