
Part VDiscipline and Control


26.  A child may be supervised by members of staff of either gender except that in circumstances where privacy would be expected supervision shall be by a member of staff of the appropriate gender.

Restriction of association

27.—(1) Where it is necessary in the interests of a child or to maintain the good order of the centre that the association permitted to a child should be restricted, the manager may arrange for the restriction of his association in accordance with limits and guidelines approved by the Secretary of State.

(2) Nothing in this rule shall restrict a child’s right to receive visits or make a complaint or consult his legal adviser, chaplain or the medical officer.

Prohibited articles

28.—(1) The manager shall display prominently a list of prohibited articles and substances.

(2) Except as provide by these rules or the manager no person may:—

(a)bring, send, throw or cause to be taken into or out of a centre by post or otherwise, or

(b)deposit in any place with intent that it should come into a child’s possession any prohibited substance or article.

(3) Any item contrary to paragraph (1) may be confiscated by the manager and shall be dealt with as he thinks fit.

(4) A person found to be acting contrary to the provisions of paragraph (2) may be removed from the centre and the manager may direct, subject to the approval of the Board, that admission be denied on future occasions.


29.—(1) Only forms of control approved by the Secretary of State may be used in dealing with an unruly child.

(2) Measures in paragraph (1) may be used only as a last resort and when all other reasonable efforts have been tried and failed or where there is a danger to the child or others or a risk of serious damage to property or if necessary to prevent injury.

(3) A member of staff responsible for the supervision of a child shall be trained in the forms of control referred to in paragraph (1) and where their use is necessary a report of the circumstances shall be made to the manager without delay and confirmed in writing.

Temporary confinement

30.—(1) For the purpose of preventing disturbance, damage or injury, a child may be confined temporarily but only on the express authority of the manager.

(2) A child so confined shall be observed at least once every 15 minutes by a member of staff and a record shall be kept of such observations.

(3) The manager shall visit a child who is confined within one hour of his confinement, and at regular intervals thereafter, to assess his behaviour and consider his release from confinement.

(4) The manager shall inform the medical officer of the intended removal of any child to confinement, but where this is not possible the medical officer shall be informed as soon as is possible thereafter.

(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (1), the medical officer may, for the purposes of preventing a child from causing injury to himself or others, order that he may be removed and confined for the minimum period considered necessary and in any case no longer than twenty-four hours.

General control of admission to a juvenile justice centre

31.—(1) Subject to Rule 9 no person may enter a centre without the permission of the manager, and the manager may order the removal of a person who enters a centre without such permission.

(2) No person shall be authorised to make a sketch, or take a photograph or make a film or video or sound recording or communicate with a child unless authorised to do so by the manager or the Secretary of State.