
Regulation 8

SCHEDULE 1Containing new Schedule 3 to the principal Regulations

Regulations 2(1) and 3(5)

Schedule 3Other Permitted Miscellaneous Additives

The maximum levels of use indicated refer to foods ready for consumption prepared following manufacturers' instructions.

EC No.NameFoodMaximum level

These substances may not be used to produce dehydrated foods intended to rehydrate on ingestion.


E 493 only


E 492 only


Asbestos free


E553b only


If E 950, E 957 and E 959 are used in combination in chewing gum, the maximum level for each is reduced proportionally


If E 950, E 957 and E 959 are used in combination in chewing gum, the maximum level for each is reduced proportionally

E 297Fumaric acid

(pro memoria)

Wine in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No. 1873/84 authorising the offer or disposal for direct human consumption of certain imported wines which may have undergone oenological processes not provided for in Regulation (EEC) No. 337/79

Fillings and toppings for fine bakery wares2.5 g/kg
Sugar confectionery1 g/kg

Gel-like desserts

Fruit-flavoured desserts

Dry powdered dessert mixes

4 g/kg
Instant powders for fruit based drinks1 g/1
Instant products for preparation of flavoured tea and herbal infusions1 g/kg
Chewing gum2 g/kg
In the following applications, the indicated maximum levels of phosphoric acid and the phosphates E 338, E 339, E 340, E 341, E 343, E 450, E 451 and E 452 may be added individually or in combination (expressed as P2O5)
E 338Phosphoric acidNon-alcoholic flavoured drinks700 mg/1
E 339Sodium phosphates Sterilised and UHT milk1 g/1

(i)Monosodium phosphate

Candied fruits800 mg/kg

(ii)Disodium phosphate

Fruit preparations800 mg/kg

(iii)Trisodium phosphate

Partly dehydrated milk with less than 28% solids1 g/kg
E 340Potassium phosphatePartly dehydrated milk with more than 28% solids1.5 g/kg

(i)Monopotassium phosphate

(ii)Dipotassium phosphate Dried milk and dried skimmed milk

2.5 g/kg

(iii)Tripotassium phosphate Pasteurised, sterilised and UHT creams

5 g/kg
E 341Calcium phosphatesWhipped cream and vegetable fat analogues5 g/kg

(i)Monocalcium phosphate

Unripened cheese (exceptMozzarella)2 g/kg

(ii)Dicalcium phosphate

Processed cheese and processed cheese20 g/kg

(iii)Tricalcium phosphate analogues

E 343Magnesium phosphatesMeat products5 g/kg

(i)Monomagnesium phosphate

Sport drinks and prepared table waters0.5 g/l

(ii)Dimagnesium phosphate

Dietary supplements quantum satis
E 450DiphosphatesSalt and its substitutes10 g/kg

(i)Disodium diphosphate

Vegetable protein drinks20 g/l

(ii)Trisodium diphosphate

Beverage whiteners30 g/kg

(iii)Tetrasodium diphosphate

Beverage whiteners for vending machines50 g/kg

(v)Tetrapotassium diphosphate

Edible ices1 g/kg

(vi)Dicalcium diphosphate

Desserts3 g/kg

(vii)Calcium dihydrogen diphosphate

Dry powdered dessert mixes

Fine bakery wares

7 g/kg

20 g/kg

E 451TriphosphatesFlour2.5 g/kg

(i)Pentasodium triphosphate

Flour, self raising20 g/kg

(ii)Pentapotassium triphosphate

Soda bread20 g/kg
E 452PolyphosphatesLiquid egg (white, yolk or whole egg)10 g/kg

(i)Sodium polyphosphate

Sauces5 g/kg

(ii)Potassium polyphosphate

Soups and broths3 g/kg

(iii)Sodium calcium polyphosphate

Instant tea and instant herbal infusions2 g/kg
Cider and perry2 g/l

(iv)Calcium polyphosphates

Chewing gumquantum satis
Dried powdered foods10 g/kg
Chocolate and malt dairy-based drinks2 g/l
Alcoholic drinks (excluding wine and beer)1 g/l
Breakfast cereals5 g/kg
Snacks5 g/kg
Surimi1 g/kg
Fish and crustacean paste5 g/kg
Toppings (syrups for pancakes, flavoured syrups3 g/kg
for milkshakes and ice cream; similar products)
Special formulae for particular nutritional uses5 g/kg
Glazings for meat and vegetable products4 g/kg
Sugar confectionery5 g/kg
Icing sugar10 g/kg
Noodles2 g/kg
Batters12 g/kg
Fillets of unprocessed fish, frozen and deep-frozen5 g/kg
Unprocessed and processed molluscs and crustaceans5 g/kg
frozen and deep-frozen
Fillets of unprocessed fish, frozen and deep-frozen5 g/kg
Unprocessed and processed molluscs and crustaceans5 g/kg
frozen and deep-frozen
Processed potato products (including frozen, deep-5 g/kg
frozen, chilled and dried processed products) and
pre-fried frozen and deep-frozen potatoes
Spreadable fats excluding butter5 g/kg
Soured-cream butter2 g/kg
Canned crustacean products1 g/kg
Waterbased emulsion sprays for coating baking tins30 g/kg
Coffee based drinks for vending machines2 g/l
E 431Polyoxyethylene (40) stearate

(pro memoria)

Wine in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No. 1873/84 authorising the offer or disposal for direct human consumption of certain imported wines which may have undergone oenological processes not provided for in Regulation (EEC) No. 337/79

E 353Metatartaric acidWine in accordance with Regulations (EEC) No. 822/87, (EEC) No. 4252/88, (EEC) No. 2332/92 and (EEC) No. 1873/84 and their implementing regulations
Made wine100 mg/l
E 355Adipic acidFillings and toppings for fine bakery wares2 g/kg
E 356Sodium adipateDry powdered dessert mixes1 g/kg
E 357Potassium adipateGel-like desserts6 g/kg
Fruit-flavoured desserts1 g/kg
Powders for home preparation of drinks10 g/l expressed as adipic acid
E 363Succinic acidDesserts6 g/kg
Soups and broths5 g/kg
Powders for home preparation of drinks3 g/l
E 385Calcium disodium ethylene diamine tetra-acetate (Calcium disodium EDTA)Emulsified sauces75 mg/kg
Canned and bottled pulses, legumes, mushrooms and artichokes250 mg/kg
Canned and bottled crustaceans and molluscs75 mg/kg
Canned and bottled fish75 mg/kg
Spreadable fats as defined in Annexes B and C to100 mg/kg
Regulation (EC) No. 2991/94(1) having a fat
content of 41% or less
Frozen and deep-frozen crustaceans75 mg/kg
E 405Propane-1,2-diol alginateFat emulsions3 g/kg
Fine bakery wares2 g/kg
Fillings, toppings and coatings for fine bakery5 g/kg
wares and desserts
Sugar confectionery1.5 g/kg
Water-based edible ices3 g/kg
Cereal-and potato-based snacks3 g/kg
Sauces8 g/kg
Beer100 mg/l
Chewing gum5 g/kg
Fruit and vegetable preparations5 g/kg
Non-alcoholic flavoured drinks300 mg/l
Emuslified liqueur10 g/l
Dietetic foods intended for special medical1.2 g/kg
purposes — Dietetic formulae for weight control
intended to replace total daily food intake or an
individual meal
Dietary food supplements1 g/kg
Cider excludingcidre bouché100 mg/l
E 416Karaya gumCereal-and potato-based snacks5 g/kg
Nut coatings10 g/kg
Fillings, toppings and coatings for fine bakery5 g/kg
Desserts6 g/kg
Emulsified sauces10 g/kg
Egg-based liqueurs10 g/l
Dietary food supplementsquantum satis
Chewing gum5 g/kg
E 420Sorbitol

Foods in general (except drinks and those foods referred to in Schedules 6, 7 and 8)

Frozen and deep-frozen unprocessed fish, crustaceans, molluscs and cephalopods


quantum satis(for purposes other than sweetening)


(ii)Sorbitol syrup

E 421Mannitol
E 953Isomalt
E 965Maltitol


(ii)Maltitol syrup

E 966Lactitol
E 967Xylitol
E 425Konjac(*)Foods in general (except those referred to in Schedules 6, 7 and 8)10 g/kg Individually or in combinations

(i)Konjac gum

(ii)Konjac glucomannane

E 432Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate (polysorbate 20)Fine bakery wares3 g/kg
Fat emulsions for baking purposes10 g/kg
E 433Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monoleate (polysorbate 80)Milk and cream analogues5 g/kg
Edible ices1 g/kg
E 434Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monopalmitate (polysorbate 40)Desserts3 g/kg
Sugar confectionery1 g/kg
E 435Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monostearate (polysorbate 60)Emulsified sauces5 g/kg
Soups1 g/kg
E 436Polyoxyethylene sorbitan tristearate (polysorbate 65)Chewing gum5 g/kg
Dietary food supplementsquantum satis
Dietetic foods for special medical purposes1 g/kg
— Dietetic formulae for weight control intended Individually or in
to replace total daily food intake or an individual meal combination
E 442Ammonium phosphatidesCocoa and chocolate products as defined in Directive10 g/kg
73/241/EEC(2) including fillings
Confectionery based on these products 10 g/kg
E 444Sucrose acetate isobutyrateNon-alcoholic flavoured cloudy drinks300 mg/l
E 445Glycerol esters of wood rosinsNon-alcoholic flavoured cloudy drinks100 mg/l
Surface treatment of citrus fruit50 mg/kg
E 459Beta-cyclodextrineFoods in tablet and coated tablet formquantum satis
E 468Crosslinked sodium carboxy methyl celluloseSolid dietary supplements30 g/kg
E 473Sucrose esters of fatty acidsCanned liquid coffee1 g/l
E 474SucroglyceridesHeat-treated meat products5 g/kg (on fat)
Fat emulsions for baking purposes10 g/kg
Fine bakery wares10 g/kg
Beverage whiteners20 g/kg
Edible ices5 g/kg
Sugar confectionery5 g/kg
Desserts5 g/kg
Sauces10 g/kg
Soups and broths2 g/kg
Fresh fruits, surface treatmentquantum satis
Non-alcoholic aniseed-based drinks5 g/l
Non-alcoholic coconut and almond drinks5 g/l
Spirituous beverages (excluding wine and beer)5 g/l
Powders for the preparation of hot beverages10 g/l
Dairy-based drinks5 g/l
Dietary food supplementsquantum satis
Dietetic foods intended for special medical5 g/kg
purposes — Dietetic formulae for weight control
intended to replace total daily food intake or an
individual meal
Chewing gum10 g/kg
Cream analogues5 g/kg
Sterilised cream and sterilised cream with reduced5 g/kg
fat contentIndividually or in combination
E 475Polyglycerol esters of fatty acidsFine bakery wares10 g/kg
Emulsified liqueurs5 g/l
Egg products1 g/kg
Beverage whiteners0.5 g/kg
Chewing gum5 g/kg
Fat emulsions5 g/kg
Milk and cream analogues5 g/kg
Sugar confectionery2 g/kg
Desserts2 g/kg
Dietary food supplementsquantum satis
Dietetic foods intended for special medical5 g/kg
purposes — Dietic formulae for weight control
intended to replace total daily food intake or an
individual meal
Granola-type breakfast cereals10 g/kg
E 476Polyglycerol polyricinoleateSpreadable fats as defined in Annexes A, B and C to Regulation (EC) No. 2991/94 having a fat content of 41% or less4 g/kg
Similar spreadable products with a fat content of4 g/kg
less than 10%
Dressings4 g/kg
Cocoa-based confectionery, including chocolate5 g/kg
E 477Propane-1,2-diol esters of fatty acidsFine bakery wares5 g/kg
Fat emulsions for baking purposes10 g/kg
Milk and cream analogues5 g/kg
Beverage whiteners1 g/kg
Edible ices3 g/kg
Sugar confectionery5 g/kg
Desserts5 g/kg
Whipped dessert toppings other than cream30 g/kg
Dietetic foods intended for special medical purposes — Dietetic formulae for weight control intended to replace total daily food intake or an individual meal1 g/kg
E 479bThermally oxidised soya bean oil interacted with mono-and diglycerides of fatty acidsFat emulsions for frying purposes5 g/kg
E 481Sodium stearoyl-2-lactylateFine bakery wares5 g/kg
E 482Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylateQuick-cook rice4 g/kg
Breakfast cereals5 g/kg
Emulsified liqueur8 g/l
Spirits with less than 15% alcohol by volume8 g/l
Cereal-based snacks2 g/kg
Chewing gum2 g/kg
Fat emulsions10 g/kg
Desserts5 g/kg
Sugar confectionery5 g/kg
Beverage whiteners3 g/kg
Cereal-and potato-based snacks5 g/kg
Minced and diced canned meat products4 g/kg
Powders for the preparation of hot beverages2 g/l
Dietetic foods intended for special medical2 g/kg
purposes — Dietetic formulae for weight control
intended to replace total daily food intake or an
individual meal
Bread (except that referred to in Schedule 7)3 g/kg
Mostarda di frutta2g/kg
Individually or in combination
E 483Stearyl tartrateBakery wares (except breads referred to in Schedule 7)4 g/kg
Desserts5 g/kg
E 491Sorbitan monostearateFine bakery wares10 g/kg
E 492Sorbitan tristearateToppings and coatings for fine bakery wares5 g/kg
E 493Sorbitan monolaurateJelly marmalade25 mg/kg(*)
E 494Sorbitan monooleateFat emulsions10 g/kg
E 495Sorbitan monopalmitateMilk and cream analogues5 g/kg
Beverage whiteners5 g/kg
Liquid tea concentrates and liquid fruit and herbal0.5 g/l
infusions concentrates
Edible ices0.5 g/kg
Desserts5 g/kg
Sugar confectionery5 g/kg
Cocoa-based confectionery, including chocolate10 g/kg(**)
Emulsified sauces5 g/kg
Dietary food supplementsquantum satis
Yeast for bakingquantum satis
Chewing gum5 g/kg
Dietetic foods intended for special medical purposes — Dietetic formulae for weight control intended to replace total daily food intake or an individual meal5 g/kg
(pro memoria) For E 491 only, wine in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No. 1873/84 authorising the offer or disposal for direct human consumption of certain imported wines which may have undergone oenological processes not provided for in Regulation (EEC) No. 337/79Individually or in combination
E 512Stannous chlorideCanned and bottled white asparagus25 mg/kg as tin
E 520Aluminium sulphateEgg white30 mg/kg
E 521Aluminium sodium sulphateCandied, crystallised and glacé fruit and vegetables200 mg/kg
E 522Aluminium potassium sulphateIndividually or in combination, expressed as aluminium
E 523Aluminium ammonium sulphate
E 541Sodium aluminium phosphate, acidicFine bakery wares (sconesand sponge wares only)1 g/kg expressed as aluminium
E 535Sodium ferrocyanideSalt and its substitutes20 mg/kg
E 536Potassium ferrocyanideIndividually or in combination, expressed as anhydrous potassium ferrocyanide
E 538Calcium ferrocyanide
E 551Silicon dioxideDried powdered foods (including sugars)10 g/kg
E 552Calcium silicateSalt and its substitutes10 g/kg
E 553a

(i)Magnesium silicate

Dietary food supplementsquantum satis

(ii)Magnesium trisilicate(*)

Foods in tablet and coated tablet formquantum satis
E 553bTalc(*)Sliced or grated hard, semi-hard and processed10 g/kg
E 554Sodium aluminium silicatecheese
E 555Potassium aluminium silicateSliced or grated cheese analogues and processed10 g/kg
E 556Calcium aluminium silicatecheese analogues
E 559Aluminium silicate (Kaolin)Seasonings30 g/kg
Confectionery excluding chocolatequantum satis
(surface treatment only)
Tin-greasing products30 g/kg
Individually or in combination
Chewing gumquantum satis(**)
Sausages (surface treatment only)
E 579Ferrous gluconateOlives darkened by oxidation150 mg/kg as iron
E 585Ferrous lactate
E 620Glutamic acidFoods in general (except those referred to in10 g/kg
E 621Monosodium glutamateSchedules 6, 7 and 8)Individually or in combination
E 622Monopotassium glutamate
E 623Calcium diglutamate
E 624Monoammonium glutamateCondiments and seasoningsquantum satis
E 625Magnesium diglutamate
E 626Guanylic acidFoods in general (except those referred to in Schedules 6, 7 and 8)500 mg/kg
E 627Disodium guanylateIndividually or in combination, expressed as guanylic acid
E 628Dipotassium guanylate
E 629Calcium guanylate
E 630Inosinic acid
E 631Disodium inosinate
E 632Dipotassium inosinate
E 633Calcium inosinateSeasonings and condimentsquantum satis
E 634Calcium 59-ribonucleotides
E 635Disodium 59-ribonucleotides
E 900Dimethyl polysiloxaneJam, jellies and marmalade as defined in Directive 79/693/EEC and similar fruit spreads, including low calorie products10 mg/kg
Soups and broths10 mg/kg
Oils and fats for frying10 mg/kg
Confectionery (excluding chocolate)10 mg/kg
Non-alcoholic flavoured drinks10 mg/l
Pineapple juice10 mg/l
Canned and bottled fruit and vegetables10 mg/kg
Chewing gum100 mg/kg
(pro memoria) Wine in accordance with
Regulation (EEC) No. 1873/84 authorising the
offer or disposal for direct human consumption of
certain imported wines which may have undergone
oenological processes not provided for in Regulation
(EEC) No. 337/79
Sød . . . saft10 mg/l
Batters10 mg/kg
Cider excludingcidre bouché10 mg/l
E 901Beeswax, white and yellowAs glazing agents only for:quantum satis
E 902Candelilla wax —Confectionery (including chocolate)
E 903Carnauba wax —Small products of fine bakery wares coated with chocolate
E 904 Shellac
— Snacks
— Nuts
— Coffee beans
Dietary food supplementsquantum satis
Fresh citrus fruits, melons, apples, pears, peaches and pineapplesquantum satis
(surface treatment only)
E 905Microcrystalline wax Surface treatment ofquantum satis
— Confectionery excluding chocolate
— Chewing gum
— Melons, papaya, mango and avocado
E 912Montan acid estersFresh citrus fruits (surface treatment only)quantum satis
E 914Oxidised polyethylene waxFresh melon, mango, avocado and pineapple (surface treatment only)
E 927bCarbamideChewing gum without added sugars30 g/kg
E 950Acesulfame-KChewing gum with added sugars800 mg/kg(*)
E 951Aspartame2500 mg/kg(*) (as flavour enhancer only)
E 957ThaumatinChewing gum with added sugars10 mg/kg(*)
Water-based flavoured non-alcoholic drinks0.5 mg/l
Desserts — dairy and non-dairy5 mg/kg (as flavour enhancer only)
E 959Neohesperidine DCChewing gum with added sugars150 mg/kg(*)
Spreadable fats as defined in Annexes B and C to Regulation (EC) No. 2991/945 mg/kg (as flavour enhancer only)
Meat products
Fruit jellies
Vegetable proteins
E 999Quillaia extractWater-based flavoured non-alcoholic drinks200 mg/l calculated as anhydrous extract
Cider excluding cidrebouché
E 1201PolyvinylpyrrolidoneDietary food supplements in tablet and coated tablet formquantum satis
E 1202Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone
E 1505Triethyl citrateDried egg whitequantum satis
E 1518Glyceryl triacetate (triacetin)Chewing gumquantum satis

Regulation 10(a)

SCHEDULE 2Miscellaneous Additives for which specific purity criteria specified or referred to in Schedule 5 to the Principal Regulations are omitted

E 400Alginic acid
E 401Sodium alginate
E 402Potassium alginate
E 403Ammonium alginate
E 404Calcium alginate
E 405Propane-1,2-diol alginate
E 406Agar
E 407Carrageenan
E 410Locust bean gum
E 412Guar gum
E 413Tragacanth
E 414Acacia
E 415Xanthan gum
E 416Karaya gum
E 422Glycerol
E 432Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monolaurate
E 433Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate
E 434Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monopalmitate
E 435Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monostearate
E 436Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan tristearate
E 440(i)Pectin
E 440(ii)Amidated pectin
E 442Ammonium phosphatides
E 450(i)Disodium diphosphate
E 450(ii)Trisodium diphosphate
E 450(iii)Tetrasodium diphosphate
E 450(v)Tetrapotassium diphosphate
E 450(vi)Dicalcium diphosphate
E 451(i)Pentasodium triphosphate
E 451(ii)Pentapotassium triphosphate
E 452(i)Sodim polyphosphate
E 452(ii)Potassium polyphosphate
E 452(iv)Calcium polyphosphates
E 460(i)Microcrystalline cellulose
E 460(ii)Powdered cellulose
E 461Methylcellulose
E 463Hydroxypropylcellulose
E 464Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose
E 465Ethylmethylcellulose
E 466Carboxymethylcellulose
E 470(a)Sodium, potassium and calcium salts of fatty acids
E 471Mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
E 472(a)Acetic acid esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
E 472(b)Lactic acid esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
E 472(c)Citric acid esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
E 472(d)Tartaric acids esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
E 472(e)Mono-and diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
E 472(f)Mixed acetic and tartaric acid esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
E 473 Sucrose esters of fatty acids
E 474Sucroglycerides
E 475Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids
E 476Polyglycerol polyricinoleate
E 477Propane-1,2-diol esters of fatty acids
E 481Sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate
E 482Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate
E 483Stearyl tartrate
E 491Sorbitan monostearate
E 492Sorbitan tristearate
E 493Sorbitan monolaurate
E 494Sorbitan monooleate
E 495Sorbitan monopalmitate
E 508Potassium chloride

Regulation 12

SCHEDULE 3Containing new Schedule 7 to the Principal Regulations

Regulations 3(2) to (4) and 4(3)

Schedule 7Foods in which a limited number of miscellaneous additives listed in Schedule 1 may be used

Column 1Column 2Column 3
FoodAdditiveMaximum level
Cocoa and chocolate products as defined in Directive 73/241/EEC (not including cocoa and chocolate products energy reduced or with no added sugars)E 330 Citric acid0.5%
E 322 Lecithinsquantum satis
E 334 Tartaric acid0.5%
E 422 Glycerolquantum satis
E 471 Mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
E 170 Calcium carbonates7% on dry matter without fat expressed as potassium carbonates
E 500 Sodium carbonates
E 501 Potassium carbonates
E 503 Ammonium carbonates
E 504 Magnesium carbonates
E 524 Sodium hydroxide
E 525 Potassium hydroxide
E 526 Calcium hydroxide
E 527 Ammonium hydroxide
E 528 Magnesium hydroxyide
E 530 Magnesium oxide
E 414 Acacia gumas glazing agents only
E 440 Pectinsquantum satis
Fruit juices and nectars as defined in Directive 93/77/EEC(3)E 300 Ascorbic acidquantum satis
Pineapple and passion fruit juices and nectarsE 440 Pectins3 g/l
Pineapple juice as defined in Directive 93/77/EECE 296 Malic acid3 g/l
Nectars as defined in Directive 93/77/EECE 330 Citric acid5 g/l
E 270 Lactic acid5 g/l
Grape juice as defined in Directive 93/77/EECE 170 Calcium carbonatesquantum satis
E 336 Potassium tartrates
Fruit juices as defined in Directive 93/77/EECE 330 Citric acid3 g/l
Extra jam and extra jelly, as defined in Directive 79/693/EECE 270 Lactic acidquantum satis
E 296 Malic acid
E 300 Asorbic acid
E 327 Calcium lactate
E 330 Citric acid
E 331 Sodium citrates
E 333 Calcium citrates
E 334 Tartaric acid
E 335 Sodium tartrates
E 350 Sodium malates
E 440 Pectins
E 471 Mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
Jam, jellies and marmalades as defined in Directive 79/693/EEC and other similar fruit spreads including low-calorie productsE 270 Lactic acidquantum satis
E 296 Malic acid
E 300 Ascorbic acid
E 327 Calcium lactate
E 330 Citric acid
E 331 Sodium citrates
E 333 Calcium citrates
E 334 Tartaric acid
E 335 Sodium tartrates
E 350 Sodium malates
E 400 Alginic acid10 g/kg (individually or in combination)
E 401 Sodium alginate
E 402 Potassium alginate
E 403 Ammomium alginate
E 404 Calcium alginate
E 406 Agar
E 407 Carrageenan
E 410 Locust bean gum
E 412 Guar gum
E 415 Xanthan gum
E 418 Gellan gum
E 440 Pectinsquantum satis
E 471 Mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
E 509 Calcium chloride
E 524 Sodium hydroxide
Partially dehydrated and dehydrated milk as defined in Directive 76/118/EEC(4)E 300 Ascorbic acidquantum satis
E 301 Sodium ascorbate
E 304 Fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid
E 322 Lecithins
E 331 Sodium citrates
E 332 Potassium citrates
E 407 Carrageenan
E 500 (ii) Sodium bicarbonate
E 501 (ii) Potassium bicarbonate
E 509 Calcium chloride
Plain pasteurised creamE 401 Sodium alginatequantum satis
E 402 Potassium alginate
E 407 Carageenan
E 466 Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose
E 471 Mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids

Frozen and deep-frozen unprocessed fruit and vegetables; prepacked, refrigerated unprocessed fruit and vegetables ready for consumption and prepacked unprocessed and peeled potatoes

Fruit compote

Unprocessed fish, crustaceans and molluscs, including such products frozen and deep-frozen

E 300 Ascorbic acidquantum satis
E 301 Sodium ascorbate
E 302 Calcium ascorbate
E 330 Citric acid
E 331 Sodium citrates
E 332 Potassium citrates
E 333 Calcium citrates
Quick-cook riceE 471 Mono-and diglycerides of fatty acidsquantum satis
E 472a Acetic acid esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
Non-emulsified oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin (except virgin oils and olive oils)E 304 Fatty acid esters of ascorbic acidquantum satis
E 306 Tocopherol-rich extract
E 307 Alpha-tocopherol
E 308 Gamma-tocopherol
E 309 Delta-tocopherol
E 322 Lecithins30 g/l
E 471 Mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids10 g/l
E 330 Citric acidquantum satis
E 331 Sodium citrates
E 332 Potassium citrates
E 333 Calcium citrates
Non-emulsified oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin (except virgin oils and olive oils) specifically intended for cooking or frying purposes or for the preparation of gravyE 270 Lactic acidquannum satis
E 300 Ascorbic acid
E 304 Fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid
E 306 Tocopherol-rich extract
E 307 Alpha-tocopherol
E 308 Gamma-tocopherol
E 309 Delta-tocopherol
E 322 Lecithins30 g/l
E 471 Mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids10 g/l
E 472c Citric acid esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acidsquantum satis
E 330 Citric acid
E 331 Sodium citrates
E 332 Potassium citrates
E 333 Calcium citrates
Refined olive oil, including olive pomace oilE 307 Alpha-tocopherol200 mg/l
Ripened cheeseE 170 Calcium carbonatesquantum satis
E 504 Magnesium carbonates
E 509 Calcium chloride
E 575 Glucono-delta-lactone
Sliced and grated ripened cheeseE 170 Calcium carbonatesquantum satis
E 504 Magnesium carbonates
E 509 Calcium chloride
E 575 Glucono-delta-lactone
E 460 Celluloses
Mozzarella and whey cheeseE 270 Lactic acidquantum satis
E 330 Citric acid
E 575 Glucono-delta-lactone
E 260 Acetic acid
Soured-cream butterE 500 Sodium carbonatesquantum satis
Canned and bottled fruit and vegetablesE 260 Acetic acidquantum satis
E 261 Potassium acetate
E 262 Sodium acetates
E 263 Calcium acetate
E 270 Lactic acid
E 296 Malic acid
E 300 Asorbic acid
E 301 Sodium ascorbate
E 302 Calcium ascorbate
E 325 Sodium lactate
E 326 Potassium lactate
E 327 Calcium lactate
E 330 Citric acid
E 331 Sodium citrates
E 332 Potassium citrates
E 333 Calcium citrates
E 334 Tartaric acid
E 335 Sodium tartrates
E 336 Potassium tartrates
E 337 Sodium potassium tartrate
E 509 Calcium chloride
E 575 Glucono-delta-lactone
GehaktE 300 Ascorbic acidquantum satis
E 301 Sodium ascorbate
E 302 Calcium ascorbate
E 330 Citric acid
E 331 Sodium citrates
E 332 Potassium citrates
E 333 Calcium citrates
Pre-packed preparations of fresh minced meatE 300 Ascorbic acidquantum satis
E 301 Sodium ascorbate
E 302 Calcium ascorbate
E 330 Citric acid
E 331 Sodium citrates
E 332 Potassium citrates
E 333 Calcium citrates
Bread prepared solely with the following ingredients: wheat-flour, water, yeast or leaven, saltE 260 Acetic acidquantum satis
E 261 Potassium acetate
E 262 Sodium acetates
E 263 Calcium acetate
E 270 Lactic acid
E 300 Ascorbic acid
E 301 Sodium ascorbate
E 302 Calcium ascorbate
E 304 Fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid
E 322 Lecithins
E 325 Sodium lactate
E 326 Potassium lactate
E 327 Calcium lactate
E 471 Mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
E 472a Acetic acid esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
E 472d Tartaric acid esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
E 472e Mono-and diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
472f Mixed acetic and tartaric acid esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
Pain courant françaisE 260 Acetic acidquantum satis
E261 Potassium acetate
E 262 Sodium acetates
E 263 Calcium acetate
E 270 Lactic acid
E 300 Ascorbic acid
E 301 Sodium ascorbate
E 302 Calcium ascorbate
E 304 Fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid
E 322 Lecithins
E 325 Sodium lactate
E 326 Potassium lactate
E 327 Calcium lactate
E 471 Mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
Fresh pastaE 270 Lactic acidquantum satis
E 300 Ascorbic acid
E 301 Sodium ascorbate
E 322 Lecithins
E 330 Citric acid
E 334 Tartaric acid
E 471 Mono-and digylcerides of fatty acids
E 575 Glucono-delta-lactone
Wines and sparkling wines and partially fermented grape must

Additives authorised:

in accordance with Regulations (EEC) No. 822/87, (EEC) No. 4252/88, (EEC) No. 2332/92 and (EEC) No. 1873/84 and their implementing regulations; in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No. 1873/84 authorising the offer or disposal for direct human consumption of certain imported wines which may have undergone oenological processes not provided for in Regulation (EEC) No. 337/79

pro memoria
BeerE 270 Lactic acidquantum satis
E 300 Ascorbic acid
E 301 Sodium ascorbate
E 330 Citric acid
E 414 Acacia acid
Foie gras, foie gras entler, blocs de foie grasE 300 Ascorbic acidquantum satis
E 301 Sodium ascorbate

O.J. No. L316, 9.12.94, p. 2


O.J. No. L228, 16.8.73, p. 23


O.J. No. L244, 30.9.93, p. 23


O.J. No. L24, 30.1.76, p. 49