Poultry Feedingstuffs Order (Northern Ireland) 1999

Restrictions on removal of feedingstuffs for poultry

4.—(1) A person shall not use or cause or permit to be used any vehicle for the removal of feedingstuffs or ingredients intended for use in the manufacture of feedingstuffs unless such feedingstuffs or ingredients are—

(a)carried in a leak-proof container which is enclosed by a tightly fitting lid or other cover which prevents spillage and both the container and the lid or other cover are capable of being thoroughly cleansed and disinfected;

(b)sealed in a package which has not previously been used for any purpose; or

(c)enclosed by impervious material which is capable of being thoroughly cleansed and disinfected and the vehicle is so constructed as to prevent any leakage or spillage.

(2) A person shall not use or cause or permit to be used—

(a)any vehicle or container for the removal of feedingstuffs or ingredients intended for use in the manufacture of feedingstuffs; or

(b)any materials for the enclosure of such feedingstuffs or ingredients,

unless that vehicle or container (together with its lid or other covering) and those materials have not previously been used for any purpose or were first thoroughly cleansed and disinfected with an approved disinfectant.