The Rules of the Supreme Court (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) 1999

Rule 3(2)

Schedule 1Form to be Inserted in Appendix A after Form 35

No. 35ANotice of Action


Take notice that:

(1) An action has been commenced in this court in accordance with the [writ of summons] [originating summons] attached hereto.

(2) You are or may be one of the persons interested in the [estate] [trust property] to which the action relates.

(3) You may within 14 days after service of this notice enter an appearance to the [writ] [originating summons] by entering an appearance at the Chancery Office, Royal Courts of Justice, Chichester Street, Belfast in accordance with the directions for entering an appearance on the attached [writ] [originating summons].

(4) If you do not enter an appearance to be [writ] [originating summons] you will be bound by any judgment given in the action as if you were a party to it.

