Animals and Animal Products (Examination for Residues and Maximum Residue Limits) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1998

Examination of an animal or batch of animals

21.—(1) If it appears to an authorised officer, as a result of an inspection carried out for the purposes referred to in regulation 20, that any animal or batch of animals may contain an unauthorised substance or a residue of an authorised substance which he reasonably suspects may result in any animal product derived from that animal or batch of animals containing an authorised substance at a concentration exceeding the relevant maximum residue limit or that the withdrawal period in relation to any animal has not expired, an authorised officer shall have the powers specified in paragraph (2) in relation to such an animal or batch of animals.

(2) An authorised officer may—

(a)serve a notice in writing on the owner of the animal or batch of animals that, until the notice is withdrawn by a further notice in writing—

(i)no commercial operations are to be carried out with respect to the animal or batch of animals;

(ii)the animal or batch of animals is not to be moved from the place where it then is or is not be so moved except to a place specified in the notice; and

(iii)no animal, other than one within sub-paragraph (ii), shall be moved from the farm of origin except as specified in the notice;

(b)subject the animal or batch of animals to such examinations for the presence of substances or residues as the authorised officer may reasonably consider to be necessary;

(c)paint, stamp, clip, tag or otherwise mark, or cause to be marked, the animal or batch of animals in order to identify it for the purposes of these Regulations.