
Presence of Varroosis

9.—(1) If the report on the examination of a sample submitted under Article 4(2) or 5(1)(a) confirms the presence of Varroosis the Department may—

(a)serve on the owner or person in charge of the hive from which the sample was taken a notice requiring the destruction, treatment or isolation of any of the following—

(i)the hive;

(ii)any bees, combs, quilts or bee-products from the hive;

(iii)any appliances belonging to him or in his charge which appear to be infected with Varroosis;

(b)serve on the owner or person in charge of the hive, bees, combs, quilts, bee-products or appliances which appear to an authorised person to be infected or to have been exposed to infection with Varroosis a notice requiring the destruction, treatment or isolation of such things;

(c)declare by notice published in accordance with Article 12 an area specified in the notice, in which the presence of Varroosis has been confirmed, to be an infected area.

(2) A notice under paragraph (1)(a) or (b) requiring destruction or treatment—

(a)shall specify the method of destruction or treatment and, in the case of treatment, the substance to be used;

(b)shall specify a reasonable period within which the destruction or treatment is to be carried out; and

(c)may require such destruction or treatment to be carried out by or in the presence of an authorised person;

and a notice requiring isolation shall specify the period of isolation.

(3) A notice under paragraph (1)(c) may provide that all or any of the provisions specified in the Schedule shall apply in the infected area or in such parts thereof as are specified in the notice; and such a notice may provide for the application of different provisions to different parts of the infected area as the Department considers necessary to prevent the spread of Varroosis.

(4) Where the report on the examination of a sample submitted under Article 4(2) or 5(1)(a) confirms the presence of Varroosis then any notice served under Article 5(2) shall remain in force until such date as the Department shall by subsequent notice determine.